HCS/SB 840 - CONVEYANCE OF EXCESS REAL PROPERTY HELD BY HIGHWAY COMMISSION - This act allows the Highways and Transportation Commission to convey or exchange its interest in land or leasehold for the property's approximate fair market value pursuant to any administrative procedure or process as determine by the commission. The commission, at its discretion, will be allowed to convey at no cost or exchange its interest in any land or leasehold that is no longer necessary for its use to any federal, state, or local governmental entity (Section 227.290). HIGHWAY/BRIDGE DESIGNATION PROCESS - This act modifies the provision of law relating to the highway and bridge designation process. This act provides that a person wanting a highway or bridge designated must submit the proper documents and fees to the Joint Committee on Transportation Oversight no later than November 1 prior to the next regular session of the General Assembly. The act also clarifies that the Joint Committee on Transportation Oversight shall be responsible for approving or denying highway designations, not the House and Senate Committees on Transportation. The act provides that the signs erected shall be maintained for a 20-year period and after such date, the signs shall be subject to removal unless the sponsoring organization or person files another application to retain the designation. The act provides that the fee for constructing and maintaining the signs shall not exceed the cost of constructing and maintaining each sign. The current law sets the fees at $400 and $600 respectively. Under this act, no bridge or portion of highway may be named after more than person, event, place or organization. Each person, event, place or organization shall only be eligible for one bridge or highway designation. The act also directs the highway designation sign fees to be deposited in the Road Fund rather than the Department of Transportation Bridge and Highway Sign Fund. STEPHEN WITTE