SB 999 - This act allows the governing body of any county without a charter form of government to adopt noise ordinances or orders that: (1) Prohibit a person from harboring, keeping, or having under his or her control any dog upon his or her property that causes fear or annoyance to persons living in the immediate area or passing upon the streets or sidewalks near the property by frequently and habitually barking, yelping, or howling, unless such property is being used as a licensed kennel, veterinary clinic, or animal hospital; or (2) Prohibit a person from creating noise above a specified decibel level that is disturbing to other persons in the surrounding area during certain specified times of the day; or (3) Prohibits any owner, occupant, or other person or entity with the legal right to use and enjoy property from allowing another person to create noise above a specified decibel level that is disturbing to others in the surrounding area during certain times of the day. SUSAN HENDERSON MOORE