
SB 690 - This act creates the Metropolitan School District Improvement Act. Unless otherwise noted, the provisions of this act apply only to the St. Louis public school district.

MEGA-LOOPING - 162.626 and 162.627 - Currently, a pilot program for grade grouping exists in selected schools with the school district. This act repeals this pilot project and requires grade groups for grades 1st to 3rd, 4th to 6th, 7th to 9th, and 10th to 12th. Groups of students shall maintain the same teacher during each three year period.

PERFORMANCE PAY FOR TEACHERS - Section 162.1153 - In order to attract and retain qualified teachers in the areas of math, science, special education and English as a second language, the metropolitan school district shall provide an additional $3,000 to $5,000 to the starting salary of such teachers. To attract and retain teachers willing to assessment in return for agreed upon salary increases, a teacher and the district may enter into an agreement setting forth the starting salary of the teacher, potential salary increases that the teacher shall receive if the teacher meets certain performance evaluation standards, including peer review and satisfactory test scores by the teacher's students, the ability of the school district to take disciplinary action, including dismissal, if the teacher does not satisfactorily perform, and the consent of the teacher to opt out of the tenure system. Salary increases required by this section shall be paid from the "Metropolitan School District Improvement Fund" which is created.

PERFORMANCE PAY FOR SCHOOLS - 162.1156 - The Department of Elementary and Secondary Education shall annually compile a list of the top ten percent of schools in the district that increase th test scores of their students. The principal of each school in the top ten percent shall receive a one-time $2,000 bonus. Each assistant principal shall receive $1,500 and each employee of the school shall receive $500. In addition, the school shall receive a one-time stipend of $2,000 for the purchase of education materials. Moneys from the metropolitan school district improvement fund shall be used to pay for the bonuses and stipends.

STUDENT ASSESSMENTS - 162.1159 - Each student in the district shall be assessed every six weeks to determine proficiency in certain core areas. Any student failing to demonstrate proficiency shall be entitled to receive remedial tutoring by the district until such time as the student demonstrates proficiency. The cost of the tutoring shall be paid by the state.

TEACHER ASSESSMENTS - 161.660 and 162.1162 - By July 1, 2008, the department shall develop a teacher assessment program for use by all school districts in the state. Multiple assessments shall be created in order to assess each teacher according to the subject areas taught by the teacher. Beginning August 28, 2008, the metropolitan school district shall require each teacher to be assessed, using the assessments developed by the department, in their subject every five years. Any teacher that fails to demonstrate a minimum level of competency shall be allowed one time over three months to re-take the assessment. A teacher that fails to demonstrate a minimum level of competency after two attempts shall lose status as a permanent employee under the district's tenure system. A teacher that demonstrates a high level of competency shall be excused from assessment for the next five-year period.

ALTERNATIVE EDUCATION - 162.1165 - The metropolitan school district shall establish alternative education schools for students who cannot be adequately served in a traditional classroom setting because of chronic truancy, behavioral problems or development delays. The district shall work with the departments of mental health and social services to identify the specific needs of the students and the district shall employ teachers and other personnel with training on addressing the needs of the students. The curriculum of the schools shall stress core academic disciplines, as well as activities designed to enable the student to transition back to the traditional classroom.

EARLY CHILDHOOD EDUCATION - 162.1168 - The state shall fully subsidize child care at a licensed child care facility for every child who qualified for a reduced lunch price lunch federal law beginning at age three until such time as the child enters kindergarten.

SCHOOL UNIFORMS - 167.029 - Currently, the metropolitan school district shall determine whether a school uniform is appropriate at any school in the district. This act requires the school district to adopt a dress code policy requiring students to wear a school uniform. The department of corrections shall provide the uniforms to the school district.

CONTRIBUTIONS TO EXTENDED DAY CHILD CARE FUND - 135.099 and 167.296 - The act creates a tax credit for contributions to the fund. Such contributions shall only be used for after-school programs in St. Louis. The tax credit shall be equal to 50% of the contribution, but the credit cannot exceed $50,000 in one year. The credit may be carried forward four years, and the cumulative amount of credits issued in one year shall not exceed $2 million.

LONGER SCHOOL DAY AND YEAR - 171.031 - This act provides that metropolitan school district shall provide for a minimum term of 204 days and 1089 hours of actual pupil attendance, as well as a minimum school day of 8.5 hours. Currently, all school districts must provide a minimum term of 174 days and 1044 hours of actual pupil attendance and a maximum school day of seven hours.


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