12/12/2022 |
Prefiled (H) |
1/4/2023 |
Read First Time (H) |
H72 |
1/5/2023 |
Read Second Time (H) |
H192 |
1/19/2023 |
Referred: Special Committee on Small Business |
H374 |
1/30/2023 |
Public Hearing Completed (H) |
2/6/2023 |
Executive Session Completed (H) |
2/6/2023 |
HCS Voted Do Pass (H) |
2/7/2023 |
HCS Reported Do Pass (H) |
H500 |
2/7/2023 |
Referred: Rules - Administrative Oversight |
H501 |
2/8/2023 |
Re-referred to Committee: Rules - Legislative Oversight |
H541 |
2/9/2023 |
Executive Session Completed (H) |
2/9/2023 |
Voted Do Pass (H) |
2/9/2023 |
Reported Do Pass (H) |
H557 |
2/21/2023 |
Taken Up for Perfection (H) |
H622 |
2/21/2023 |
Title of Bill - Agreed To |
H622 |
2/21/2023 |
HCS Adopted (H) |
H622 |
2/21/2023 |
Perfected (H) |
H622 |
2/22/2023 |
Referred: Fiscal Review |
H644 |
2/23/2023 |
Executive Session Completed (H) |
2/23/2023 |
Voted Do Pass (H) |
2/23/2023 |
Reported Do Pass (H) |
H655 |
2/23/2023 |
Taken Up for Third Reading (H) |
2/23/2023 |
Third Read and Passed (H) |
H655-656 |
2/23/2023 |
S First Read |
S444 |
3/30/2023 |
Second Read and Referred S General Laws Committee |
S835 |
4/5/2023 |
Hearing Conducted S General Laws Committee |
4/12/2023 |
SCS Voted Do Pass S General Laws Committee (1211S.05C) |
4/20/2023 |
Reported from S General Laws Committee w/SCS |
S1160 |
4/20/2023 |
Referred S Fiscal Oversight Committee |
S1170 |
4/26/2023 |
Voted Do Pass S Fiscal Oversight Committee |
4/26/2023 |
Reported from S Fiscal Oversight Committee |
S1429 |
5/3/2023 |
SS for SCS S offered (Eslinger)--(1211S.10F) |
S2201-2202 |
5/3/2023 |
SA 1 to SS for SCS S offered & adopted (Schroer)--(1211S10.03S) |
S2202-2208 |
5/3/2023 |
SA 2 to SS for SCS S offered & adopted (Eigel)--(1211S10.05S) |
S2208-2209 |
5/3/2023 |
SA 3 to SS for SCS S offered & adopted (Trent)--(1211S10.06S) |
S2209-2210 |
5/3/2023 |
SS for SCS, as amended, S adopted |
S2210 |
5/3/2023 |
Referred S Fiscal Oversight Committee |
S2210 |
5/4/2023 |
Voted Do Pass S Fiscal Oversight Committee |
5/4/2023 |
Reported from S Fiscal Oversight Committee |
S2413 |
5/5/2023 |
S Third Read and Passed - EC adopted |
S2422-2423 / H2980-2986 |
5/5/2023 |
Referred H Fiscal Review |
H2996 |
5/9/2023 |
Voted Do Pass H Fiscal Review |
5/9/2023 |
Reported Do Pass H Fiscal Review |
H3026 |
5/9/2023 |
H concurs in SS for SCS, as amended |
H3036-3037 |
5/9/2023 |
H Third Read and Passed - EC adopted |
H3037-3039 / S2512 |
5/9/2023 |
Truly Agreed To and Finally Passed |
H3037-3039 |
5/30/2023 |
Signed by House Speaker |
H3509 |
5/30/2023 |
Signed by Senate President Pro Tem |
S2798 |
5/30/2023 |
Delivered to Governor |
H3509 |
7/6/2023 |
Signed by Governor |