SB 322
Creates a license for naturopathic medicine practitioners
LR Number:
Last Action:
2/23/2023 - Second Read and Referred S Governmental Accountability Committee
Journal Page:
Effective Date:
August 28, 2023

Current Bill Summary

SB 322 - This act regulates the licensing of naturopathic physicians and the requirements and procedures for the licensure of naturopathic physicians. The act establishes a Naturopathic Physicians Advisory Committee that shall advise the Board of Registration for the Healing Arts as to licensure, education, and training for naturopathic physicians, as described in the act. The Board shall oversee the licensure of naturopathic physicians, enforce the provisions of this act, set the amount of fees, and set continuing education requirements.

Naturopathic physician licensees may practice naturopathic medicine to provide primary care in performing physical examinations; ordering laboratory examinations; ordering diagnostic imaging studies; interpreting the results of such examinations; prescribing food, food extracts, nutraceuticals, vitamins, amino acids, minerals, enzymes, botanicals, dietary supplements, and nonprescription drugs; prescribing, administering, dispensing, and ordering all legend drugs and all Schedule III, IV, and V controlled substances; administering medicinal injections; using naturopathic therapy; using therapeutic devices and contraception devices; and other care as described in the act. A licensee shall refer to a licensed physician any patient whose medical condition should be determined to be beyond the scope of practice of the licensee.

Naturopathic physician licensees shall not perform surgery outside of minor office procedures; use anesthetics; administer ionizing radioactive substances for therapeutic purposes; perform laser surgery; perform surgery involving certain areas of the body; perform an abortion; treat a malignant lesion; or perform acupuncture.

Naturopathic physician licensees shall display a license and completion of an approved medical education program in a clearly visible location that is accessible to the licensee's patients. Any person seeking to practice as a naturopathic physician shall take and pass required examinations. A licensee has the exclusive right to use terms such as "naturopathic physician", "naturopathic doctor", "doctor of naturopathic medicine", "doctor of naturopathy", "N.D.", or "ND".

A license issued under this act shall expire two years following issuance or renewal. The board may renew or refuse to renew a license as specified in the act.

This act is similar to SB 1197 (2022) and SB 1213 (2006).



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