XXXX Senate Bills

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SB 1 Hoskins Modifies provisions relating to gaming
SB 2 Hoskins Establishes the "Save Women's Sports Act" relating to female-only athletics in middles schools, high schools, and colleges
SB 3 Hoskins Modifies provisions relating to the promotion of business development
SB 4 Koenig Modifies provisions regarding elementary and secondary education
SB 5 Koenig Allows the enrollment of nonresident students in public school districts
SB 6 Koenig Creates the Getting Missourians Back to Work Act
SB 7 Rowden Creates the office of Chief Data Officer
SB 8 Eigel Modifies provisions relating to personal property taxes
SB 9 Eigel Modifies provisions relating to the foreign ownership of real estate
SB 10 Eigel Creates the Anti-Red Flag Gun Seizure Act
SB 11 Crawford Specifies that contracts for health care benefits provided by a farm bureau to its members shall not be considered insurance under the laws of this state
SB 12 Crawford Modifies provisions relating to the issuance of credit cards by lenders
SB 13 Crawford Modifies provisions relating to financial institutions
SB 14 Cierpiot Modifies provisions relating to amending birth certificates
SB 15 Cierpiot Modifies the Senior Citizens Property Tax Relief Credit
SB 16 Cierpiot Requires weighted voting in county political party committees
SB 17 Arthur Modifies terms used in the elementary and secondary school funding formula
SB 18 Arthur Modifies the calculation of average daily attendance for early childhood education programs
SB 19 Arthur Increases minimum starting salary for teachers
SB 20 Bernskoetter Modifies provisions relating to retirement
SB 21 Bernskoetter Modifies the duration of unemployment benefits based on the unemployment rate
SB 22 Bernskoetter Modifies provisions relating to public safety
SB 23 Hough Enacts provisions relating to commerce
SB 24 Hough Creates new provisions relating to vulnerable persons
SB 25 Hough Authorizes an income tax deduction for certain federal grant money
SB 26 Justin Brown (16) Enacts provisions relating to insurance coverage of pharmacy services
SB 27 Justin Brown (16) Modifies provisions relating to certified registered nurse anesthetists
SB 28 Justin Brown (16) Modifies provisions relating to access to public records of the Missouri highway patrol
SB 29 Luetkemeyer Prohibits an athletic team sponsored by a school from allowing a student to compete in an athletic competition designated for the opposite biological sex
SB 30 Luetkemeyer Authorizes sports wagering
SB 31 Luetkemeyer Allows an income tax deduction for certain law enforcement officers
SB 32 O'Laughlin Authorizes the Department of Commerce and Insurance to conduct financial examinations regarding preneed funeral contracts under certain circumstances
SB 33 May Creates extreme risk orders of protection
SB 34 May Authorizes school districts and charter schools to offer elective social studies courses on the Hebrew Scriptures and the New Testament
SB 35 May Modifies provisions relating to child custody and child support enforcement
SB 36 Williams Modifies provisions relating to expungement
SB 37 Williams Establishes a conviction review unit
SB 38 Williams Modifies provisions relating to peace officer standards
SB 39 Thompson Rehder Establishes guidelines for student participation in athletic contests organized by sex
SB 40 Thompson Rehder Modifies provisions relating to background checks
SB 41 Thompson Rehder Modifies provisions relating to the administration of medications by pharmacists
SB 42 Brattin Modifies provisions regarding elementary and secondary education
SB 43 Brattin Modifies provisions relating to self-defense
SB 44 Brattin Modifies the process for maintaining voter registration rolls
SB 45 Gannon Modifies provisions relating to health care
SB 46 Gannon Modifies provisions relating to emergency services
SB 47 Gannon Modifies provisions relating to financial obligations to public entities
SB 48 Moon Establishes the "Save Women's Sports Act" relating to female-only athletics in middle schools, high schools, and colleges
SB 49 Moon Establishes the "Missouri Save Adolescents from Experimentation (SAFE) Act" and modifies provisions relating to public funding of certain gender transition procedures
SB 50 Moon Prohibits giving preferential treatment or discrimination based upon ESG scores
SB 51 Eslinger Modifies provisions relating to physical therapists
SB 52 Eslinger Establishes the Show MO Act
SB 53 Eslinger Authorizes grants to employers to encourage employees to gain and improve their skills
SB 54 Bean Creates a county option to enact "right-to-work" laws
SB 55 Bean Modifies provisions regarding foreign ownership of agricultural land
SB 56 Bean Enacts provisions relating to motor vehicles
SB 57 Beck Establishes the Entertainment Industry Jobs Act
SB 58 Beck Establishes the Show MO Act
SB 59 Beck Modifies provisions relating to unlawful possession of firearms
SB 60 Razer Prohibits discrimination based on sexual orientation or gender identity
SB 61 Razer Modifies provisions relating to the operation of motor vehicles while using electronic devices
SB 62 Razer Modifies provisions relating to abortion
SB 63 Roberts Creates new provisions relating to financial institutions
SB 64 Roberts Enacts new law relating to wage range inquiries by employees and prospective employees
SB 65 Roberts Modifies provisions relating to the offense of unlawful use of weapons
SB 66 Mosley Requires certain financing entities to remit motor vehicle sales tax on behalf of the purchaser
SB 67 Mosley Establishes the Show Missouri Film and Digital Media Act
SB 68 Mosley Repeals an annual mileage limitation applicable to historic motor vehicles
SB 69 Fitzwater Establishes provisions relating to the promotion of business development
SB 70 Fitzwater Modifies provisions relating to professional licensing
SB 71 Fitzwater Authorizes electrical corporations to operate and use broadband services
SB 72 Trent Modifies provisions relating to judicial proceedings
SB 73 Trent Authorizes sales tax exemptions for certain purchases
SB 74 Trent Creates a DWI diversion program
SB 75 Black Modifies provisions relating to retirement systems
SB 76 Black Repeals certain provisions pertaining to foreign ownership of agricultural land
SB 77 Black Modifies the actuarial amortization and cost methods for the Missouri State Employees' Retirement System and the Missouri Department of Transportation and Highway Patrol Employees' Retirement System
SB 78 Schroer Modifies provisions relating to the operation of certain law enforcement agencies
SB 79 Schroer Modifies provisions relating to nurses
SB 80 Schroer Establishes the Missouri Statewide Mechanical Contractors Licensing Act
SB 81 Coleman Authorizes parents to choose the school that their children attend
SB 82 Coleman Modifies provisions relating to public assistance
SB 83 Coleman Creates provisions relating to the jurisdiction of the attorney general
SB 84 Carter Establishes the Freedom to Farm Act and modifies provisions relating to the Governor's emergency powers and agricultural operations as nuisances
SB 85 Carter Provides for the designation of local control school districts
SB 86 Carter Permits the sale of raw milk or cream in certain circumstances
SB 87 Ben Brown (26) Establishes the "Save Women's Sports Act"
SB 88 Ben Brown (26) Modifies provisions relating to professional licensing
SB 89 Ben Brown (26) Creates the Missouri Education Transparency and Accountability Portal and the Parents' Bill of Rights Act of 2023
SB 90 McCreery Modifies provisions relating to MO HealthNet services for pregnant and postpartum women
SB 91 McCreery Modifies provisions relating to abuse and neglect reporting, including a requirement to report companion animal abuse
SB 92 Hoskins Modifies provisions relating to tax credits
SB 93 Hoskins Reduces the corporate income tax
SB 94 Hoskins Establishes tax credits for the production of certain entertainment
SB 95 Koenig Modifies provisions relating to property taxes
SB 96 Koenig Modifies provisions relating to voting procedures
SB 97 Koenig Creates the offense of unlawfully gaining entry into a motor vehicle
SB 98 Eigel Modifies provisions relating to elections
SB 99 Eigel Modifies provisions relating to childhood immunizations
SB 100 Eigel Creates and modifies provisions relating to gold and silver
SB 101 Crawford Enacts provisions relating to property and casualty insurance
SB 102 Crawford Requires initiative petition circulators to be registered Missouri voters
SB 103 Crawford Modifies provisions relating to judicial proceedings
SB 104 Cierpiot Reduces the assessment percentage of personal property
SB 105 Cierpiot Reduces the assessment percentage of real property
SB 106 Arthur Modifies provisions relating to public health
SB 107 Arthur Provides a student loan forgiveness program for students who become teachers in high needs public or charter schools
SB 108 Arthur Repeals provisions of law relating to abortion
SB 109 Bernskoetter Modifies provisions relating to mining
SB 110 Bernskoetter Abolishes the Personnel Advisory Board
SB 111 Bernskoetter Modifies provisions relating to the administration of state employees
SB 112 Hough Directs the Department of Revenue to establish a system in which persons who own multiple farm vehicles can elect to have the vehicles placed on the same registration renewal schedule
SB 113 Hough Repeals requirement that the Joint Committee on Legislative Research hold a public hearing on certified initiative petitions
SB 114 Justin Brown (16) Specifies that certain applicants for disabled license plates or windshield placards shall not be required to provide physician's statements for issuance or renewal of the plates or placards
SB 115 Justin Brown (16) Modifies provisions relating to the practice of veterinary medicine
SB 116 Justin Brown (16) Modifies provisions relating to the disposition of the dead
SB 117 Luetkemeyer Modifies provisions relating to statutes of limitations
SB 118 Luetkemeyer Modifies provisions relating to detention on arrest without a warrant
SB 119 Luetkemeyer Modifies provisions relating to public safety
SB 120 May Establishes post-traumatic stress disorder as an occupational disease
SB 121 May Modifies provisions relating to the critical incident stress management program
SB 122 May Authorizes excusal from attendance at an elementary and secondary school if the child is unable to attend due to mental or behavioral health concerns
SB 123 Williams Modifies provisions relating to violations while on parole or conditional release
SB 124 Williams Modifies provisions relating to the parole board
SB 125 Williams Modifies provisions relating to technical violations while on parole
SB 126 Thompson Rehder Modifies provisions relating to terms of probation
SB 127 Thompson Rehder Enacts provisions relating to state designations marked by the Department of Transportation
SB 128 Thompson Rehder Modifies provisions relating to costs and fees in divorce proceedings
SB 129 Brattin Modifies provisions relating to child custody and child support enforcement
SB 130 Brattin Modifies provisions relating to illegal aliens
SB 131 Brattin Modifies provisions relating to taxation
SB 132 Gannon Modifies and creates new provisions relating to confiscation of animals
SB 133 Moon Modifies provisions relating to taxation
SB 134 Moon Prohibits the discussion of gender identity or sexual orientation by school personnel
SB 135 Moon Phases out the corporate income tax
SB 136 Eslinger Modifies provisions relating to workforce development in elementary and secondary education
SB 137 Eslinger Requires the Department of Elementary and Secondary Education to develop a patriotic and civics training program for teachers
SB 138 Eslinger Modifies and creates new provisions relating to agriculture
SB 139 Bean Enacts provisions relating to state designations
SB 140 Bean Creates provisions relating to workforce development investments of public utilities
SB 141 Bean Creates a peace officer basic training tuition reimbursement program
SB 142 Beck Modifies provisions relating to firearms
SB 143 Beck Modifies provisions relating to taxation
SB 144 Beck Modifies provisions relating to foreign ownership of agricultural land
SB 145 Roberts Creates certificates of exemplary conduct and good moral character issued by circuit courts
SB 146 Roberts Creates provisions relating to compensation for wrongful convictions
SB 147 Roberts Modifies provisions relating to parole eligibility
SB 148 Mosley Modifies provisions relating to street light maintenance districts
SB 149 Mosley Modifies law relating to rejected absentee ballots
SB 150 Mosley Requires the creation of county commission political party committees
SB 151 Fitzwater Authorizes a property tax exemption for certain property used for childcare
SB 152 Trent Modifies provisions relating to video services
SB 153 Trent Modifies provisions relating to minimum prison terms
SB 154 Trent Modifies the compensation of court reporters
SB 155 Black Creates and modifies requirements for certain legislative and administrative instrumentalities
SB 156 Black Modifies provisions relating to the inhalation of substances
SB 157 Black Modifies provisions relating to professions requiring licensure
SB 158 Schroer Creates provisions regarding parental rights and transparency in public schools
SB 159 Schroer Prohibits educational institutions from mandating COVID-19 vaccines or gene therapy
SB 160 Schroer Modifies provisions relating to public funding of abortion facilities and affiliates and provisions relating to MO HealthNet providers
SB 161 Coleman Exempts the sale of food from sales tax
SB 162 Coleman Reduces the state sales tax rate for diapers and feminine hygiene products
SB 163 Coleman Authorizes the Department of Higher Education and Workforce Development to contract with private entities that offer job training to individuals
SB 164 Carter Establishes the "Missouri Save Adolescents from Experimentation (SAFE) Act"
SB 165 Carter Creates the "Save Women's Sports Act" and provisions regarding usage of school locker rooms
SB 166 Carter Prohibits certain types of regulation of public and private schools by cities and counties
SB 167 Ben Brown (26) Specifies the means by which a medical examiner's certificate may be provided to the state when applying for a commercial driver's license or instruction permit
SB 168 Ben Brown (26) Modifies provisions relating to the rulemaking authority of the Department of Health and Senior Services
SB 169 Ben Brown (26) Modifies provisions relating to refusal of medical procedures or treatment
SB 170 Hoskins Establishes the Entertainment Industry Jobs Act
SB 171 Hoskins Specifies the means by which a medical examiner's certificate may be provided to the state when applying for a commercial driver's license or instruction permit
SB 172 Hoskins Creates provisions relating to curricula and instruction in public schools
SB 173 Koenig Modifies a sales tax exemption for the sale of certain medical devices
SB 174 Koenig Modifies provisions regarding the Missouri Sunshine Law
SB 175 Koenig Modifies provisions relating to youth employment
SB 176 Eigel Reduces the top rate of income tax
SB 177 Eigel Creates new provisions prohibiting discrimination against businesses based on ESG scores
SB 178 Eigel Requires the Department of Revenue to implement a property tax mapping feature
SB 179 Crawford Establishes the Missouri Rural Credit Opportunity Act
SB 180 Crawford Authorizes the cities of Clinton and Lincoln to impose a sales tax for public safety
SB 181 Crawford Enacts provisions relating to contractual agreements
SB 182 Arthur Creates new provisions relating to voting accessibility for persons with disabilities
SB 183 Arthur Modifies provisions relating to MO HealthNet eligibility and services
SB 184 Arthur Modifies provisions relating to tax relief for child-related expenses
SB 185 Bernskoetter Repeals chapter 291, regulating industrial inspections by the Director of the Inspection Section
SB 186 Justin Brown (16) Modifies provisions relating to public safety
SB 187 Justin Brown (16) Creates the Commercial Financing Disclosure Act
SB 188 Justin Brown (16) Permits vehicle platooning on Missouri roads
SB 189 Luetkemeyer Modifies provisions relating to criminal laws
SB 190 Luetkemeyer Modifies provisions relating to tax relief for seniors
SB 191 Luetkemeyer Requires publication of a cost estimate and project completion date for any work on the state highway system at the time bidding for a contract on the work first closes
SB 192 May Authorizes the Video Lottery Control Act
SB 193 May Creates provisions relating to leave from employment
SB 194 May Modifies provisions relating to industrial hemp
SB 195 Williams Modifies provisions relating to terms of probation
SB 196 Williams Creates provisions relating to geriatric parole
SB 197 Williams Creates provisions relating to warrants executed by law enforcement officers
SB 198 Thompson Rehder Modifies provisions relating to vulnerable persons
SB 199 Thompson Rehder Modifies provisions regarding adult high schools
SB 200 Brattin Creates provisions relating to firearms discrimination
SB 201 Brattin Creates new provisions relating to COVID-19 vaccination requirements
SB 202 Brattin Modifies provisions relating to local elections
SB 203 Moon Authorizes a sales tax refund for certain taxpayers audited by the Department of Revenue
SB 204 Moon Repeals the certificate of need law
SB 205 Moon Modifies provisions relating to physical therapists
SB 206 Eslinger Modifies provisions relating to qualifications of fire protection employees
SB 207 Eslinger Establishes a statutory cause of action for public nuisances
SB 208 Eslinger Modifies the licensing requirements for advanced practice registered nurses
SB 209 Bean Repeals provisions regulating industrial hemp and hemp cultivation
SB 210 Bean Allows for the curing of incomplete absentee ballot envelopes
SB 211 Bean Modifies provisions relating to reemployment rights of Missouri Task Force One members
SB 212 Beck Requires a surgical smoke plume evacuation policy for hospitals and ambulatory surgical centers
SB 213 Beck Modifies provisions relating to the protection of children
SB 214 Beck Modifies provisions relating to child support for unborn children
SB 215 Roberts Establishes provisions relating to alternative dispute resolution
SB 216 Roberts Designates "James W Brooks Memorial Highway" in St. Louis City and St. Louis County
SB 217 Roberts Creates the offense of unlawful possession by a minor
SB 218 Mosley Creates new provisions relating to redistricting within political subdivisions
SB 219 Mosley Enacts provisions relating to the Department of Transportation's fiber network
SB 220 Mosley Creates new provisions relating to ethics
SB 221 Trent Directs the Department of Revenue to issue only one license plate to most motor vehicles
SB 222 Trent Modifies provisions relating to political subdivisions
SB 223 Trent Modifies the expiration dates for provisions relating to court automation
SB 224 Schroer Modifies provisions relating to the carrying of firearms on public transit systems
SB 225 Schroer Creates provisions relating to the liability of businesses prohibiting firearms on the premises
SB 226 Schroer Authorizes a tax credit for certain education expenses
SB 227 Coleman Modifies provisions relating to the culpable mental state necessary for a homicide offense
SB 228 Coleman Modifies provisions relating to do-not-resuscitate orders
SB 229 Coleman Modifies provisions relating to Children's Division contracts
SB 230 Carter Provides that school districts shall not prohibit home school students from trying out or auditioning for team or club membership in any event or activity offered by the school district
SB 232 Carter Modifies provisions relating to immunizations
SB 233 Ben Brown (26) Creates provisions regulating requirements for electric vehicle charging stations
SB 234 Ben Brown (26) Moves school board elections to the November general election
SB 235 Hoskins Creates new provisions of law relating to elections
SB 236 Hoskins Establishes the "Missouri Save Adolescents from Experimentation (SAFE) Act"
SB 237 Hoskins Modifies the membership of the Missouri Housing Development Commission
SB 238 Koenig Modifies provisions relating to foreign limited liability companies
SB 239 Koenig Establishes provisions relating to moratoriums on eviction proceedings
SB 240 Koenig Requires closed primary elections
SB 241 Eigel Modifies provisions relating to income tax exemptions for certain retirement benefits
SB 242 Eigel Repeals future motor fuel tax increases, and provides for a 180-day period during which the motor fuel tax shall not be in effect
SB 243 Eigel Exempts certain counties from the motor vehicle emissions inspection program established by the Air Conservation Commission
SB 244 Arthur Modifies the exemptions from licensure required for certain homes for children
SB 245 Arthur Modifies provisions relating to the office of the public defender
SB 246 Arthur Allows students to attend multiple public summer school programs non-concurrently
SB 247 Justin Brown (16) Modifies provisions relating to taxation
SB 248 Justin Brown (16) Authorizes the conveyance of state property
SB 249 Justin Brown (16) Modifies provisions relating to the Office of Child Advocate
SB 250 Luetkemeyer Creates provisions relating to organized retail theft
SB 251 May Modifies the definition of weighted average daily attendance used to calculate state aid for school districts
SB 252 May Allows the circuit court of St. Louis City to collect a civil case filing fee of an amount not to exceed $20, rather than $15, for certain uses, including the maintenance of a law library
SB 253 Williams Creates a civil action awarding damages for wrongful convictions
SB 254 Williams Modifies provisions relating to the offense of unlawful use of weapons
SB 255 Brattin Establishing the Education Savings Account program
SB 256 Brattin Allows certain veterans and active duty members to be issued hunting and fishing permits free of charge
SB 257 Brattin Creates provisions relating to inmate co-pays for medical treatment
SB 258 Moon Establishes procedures for entering into and dissolving covenant marriages
SB 259 Moon Repeals a vehicle weight limitation on eligibility for a partial motor fuel tax refund
SB 260 Moon Repeals a portion of the tax on motor fuel, and the exemption and refund process applicable to that portion
SB 261 Eslinger Modifies provisions relating to unlawful merchandising practices by health care staffing agencies
SB 262 Eslinger Modifies provisions relating to self-defense
SB 263 Eslinger Enacts provisions relating to motor vehicle financial responsibility
SB 264 Bean Modifies provisions relating to the Missouri Rap Back Program
SB 265 Bean Enacts provisions relating to funds established within the state treasury
SB 266 Bean Creates provisions related to the disposal of contaminants into state waters
SB 267 Beck Prohibits discrimination based on pregnancy
SB 268 Beck Specifies additional circumstances under which a patient shall be granted an exception to a step therapy protocol required by a health carrier for coverage of a prescription drug
SB 269 Beck Enacts provisions relating to cost-sharing under health benefit plans
SB 270 Roberts Modifies the practice of dentistry to include the prescription and administration of vaccines
SB 271 Mosley Modifies provisions relating to reapportionment within political subdivisions
SB 272 Mosley Modifies provisions relating to special administrative boards
SB 273 Mosley Requires certain topics in Native American and African American history to be included in the seventh through twelfth grade history curriculum in public schools
SB 274 Trent Creates procedures for the appointment of commissioners to a convention called under Article V of the U.S. Constitution
SB 275 Trent Modifies provisions relating to utilities
SB 276 Trent Repeals the Missouri Postconviction Drug Treatment Program
SB 277 Hoskins Modifies the membership of the Missouri Development Finance Board
SB 278 Hoskins Authorizes an income tax deduction for business expenses related to the sale of marijuana
SB 279 Hoskins Modifies provisions relating to gaming
SB 280 Eigel Modifies provisions relating to the operation of certain law enforcement agencies
SB 281 Eigel Prohibits hormonal or surgical gender reassignment for a child under eighteen years of age
SB 282 Eigel Prohibits Medicaid payments to health care providers for services for non-Missouri residents
SB 283 Arthur Enacts provisions relating to insurance coverage for prescription insulin drugs
SB 284 Arthur Modifies provisions relating to the Missouri Housing Trust Fund
SB 285 Arthur Prohibiting certain mental health professionals from engaging in conversion therapy with minors
SB 286 Brattin Authorizes the General Assembly and the Attorney General to review and prohibit implementation of certain federal actions in this state
SB 287 Brattin Modifies provisions relating to legislative authority concerning infectious, contagious, communicable, or dangerous diseases
SB 288 Brattin Modifies provisions relating to bail
SB 289 Moon Repeals the Joint Oversight Task Force for Prescription Drug Monitoring and the prescription drug monitoring program
SB 290 Moon Modifies provisions relating to taxation
SB 291 Moon Modifies provisions relating to emergency powers
SB 292 Beck Modifies the liability of employers
SB 293 Beck Prohibits certain covenants not to compete
SB 294 Beck Creates new provisions requiring the waiver of the recovery of overpaid unemployment benefits under certain circumstances
SB 295 Mosley Requires board of election commissioners to establish seven wards for the purpose of electing directors in certain school districts
SB 296 Mosley Creates provisions related to the statewide licensing of home improvement contractors and salespersons
SB 297 Mosley Establishes time standards for court proceedings, orders, and judgments
SB 298 Trent Provides exemptions for records of certain criminal offenses from public access on statewide court automation systems
SB 299 Hoskins Modifies the definition of "video service" for provision of law relating to video service providers
SB 300 Hoskins Provides a sales tax exemption for the production of electricity
SB 301 Hoskins Modifies the composition of the Missouri Commission on Human Rights
SB 302 Eigel Provides for the redaction of personal identifying information of minors and next friends from public court automation systems
SB 303 Eigel Repeals the certificate of need law
SB 304 Eigel Modifies provisions relating to charter schools
SB 305 Arthur Modifies provisions relating to unlawful possession of firearms
SB 306 Arthur Allows school districts to remove certain property from tax increment financing districts
SB 307 Arthur Expands the requirement for children to wear personal flotation devices
SB 308 Brattin Requires internet service providers to authenticate access to obscene websites and provide subscribers the ability to create an authentication to access such websites
SB 309 Moon Modifies provisions relating to searches and seizures
SB 310 Beck Modifies provisions relating to project labor agreements
SB 311 Beck Creates a new occupational disease under workers' compensation to include post-traumatic stress disorder in certain first responders
SB 312 Beck Modifies provisions regarding the safekeeping of personal information
SB 313 Mosley Establishes a "Restaurant Meals Program" as part of the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP)
SB 314 Mosley Modifies provisions relating to child custody
SB 315 Mosley Modifies provisions relating to the transfer of appeals
SB 316 Hoskins Creates new provisions prohibiting discrimination against businesses based on ESG scores
SB 317 Eigel Establishes the Interstate 70 Improvement Fund
SB 318 Eigel Creates the "Empowering Missouri Parents Act" regarding parental rights in public schools
SB 319 Eigel Reauthorizes the joint committee on disaster preparedness and awareness
SB 320 Mosley Modifies provisions relating to automatic stays of court and administrative proceedings for members of the General Assembly
SB 321 Mosley Creates the "Missouri Universal School Meals Act"
SB 322 Mosley Creates a license for naturopathic medicine practitioners
SB 323 Eigel Enacts provisions relating to long-term care insurance
SB 324 Mosley Modifies the compensation of certain state employees in positions within Missouri Veterans' Homes
SB 325 Mosley Creates provisions relating to police protection
SB 326 Mosley Modifies provisions relating to fire protection
SB 327 Mosley Creates provisions relating to oversight of Department of Corrections facilities
SB 328 Mosley Modifies provisions relating to school security officers
SB 329 Mosley Modifies provisions relating to extreme risk orders of protection
SB 330 Mosley Modifies provisions relating to firearms
SB 331 Eigel Modifies the administrative rulemaking process for those proposed rules with fiscal notes in excess of $250,000
SB 332 Brattin Modifies provisions regarding foreign ownership of agricultural land
SB 333 Trent Creates provisions regarding renewable energy
SB 334 Hoskins Modifies provisions regarding foreign ownership of real estate
SB 335 Crawford Modifies the duties within the Missouri Department of Agriculture's Weights, Measures and Consumer Protection Division
SB 336 Crawford Modifies provisions relating to supplemental welfare assistance
SB 337 Crawford Modifies provisions relating to electronic notification to victims of certain crimes
SB 338 Razer Modifies the required school year start date for school districts in which a charter school operates
SB 339 Razer Provides for an increase of retirement benefits from the Public School Retirement System and Public Education Employee Retirement System for certain members electing reduced monthly payments before separation with a same-sex domestic partner
SB 340 Razer Requires the Department of Elementary and Secondary Education to establish language developmental milestones for children who are deaf and hard of hearing
SB 341 Trent Establishes accountability measures for all public elementary and secondary schools
SB 342 Trent Creates provisions related to consumer legal funding and litigation financing
SB 343 Razer Creates the offense of unlawful discharge of a firearm
SB 344 Razer Modifies provisions relating to earnings tax
SB 345 Beck Enacts provisions requiring railroad trains or light engines operated in connection with carrying freight to have at least two qualified crew members
SB 346 Crawford Modifies provisions relating to elections
SB 347 Trent Creates provisions relating to expungement
SB 348 Trent Modifies licensing for embalmers and funeral directors
SB 349 Trent Modifies provisions relating to county or township-owned nursing homes
SB 350 Hoskins Creates the Office of Election Crimes and Security
SB 351 Justin Brown (16) Modifies provisions relating to peer review committees
SB 352 Trent Establishes the Civil Liability for Employers Hiring Ex-Offenders Act, which provides liability protections for employers hiring those convicted of certain offenses
SB 353 Hough Modifies funding for public elementary and secondary schools
SB 354 Hough Authorizes certain fire protection districts and ambulance districts to propose a 1.0% sales tax
SB 355 Justin Brown (16) Prohibits the sale or distribution of certain lighters
SB 356 Moon Modifies provisions relating to the protection of unborn children
SB 357 Moon Modifies provisions relating to the acquisition of land by the U.S. government
SB 358 Moon Prohibits the enforcement of any federal regulation by a state department or agency until the enforcement is approved by the General Assembly
SB 359 Coleman Modifies provisions relating to guardians ad litem
SB 360 Koenig Modifies provisions of the Missouri Empowerment Scholarship Accounts Program
SB 361 Koenig Requires licensing authorities to issue an exemption from continuing education requirements under certain circumstances
SB 362 Koenig Modifies public notice requirements for certain public projects
SB 363 Roberts Specifies that the St. Louis City school board shall fill any vacancy that occurs in such school board outside of the normal election cycle
SB 364 Carter Modifies provisions relating to property taxes for school districts
SB 365 Crawford Modifies provisions relating to venue in guardianship and conservatorship cases and pooled estate accounts established by public administrators
SB 366 Crawford Modifies or enacts provisions relating to Department of Revenue fee offices
SB 367 Luetkemeyer Modifies provisions relating to covenants between business entities and its owners
SB 368 Thompson Rehder Requires health benefit plans providing coverage for synthetic hormone therapy to provide coverage for bioidentical hormone therapy on the same terms
SB 369 Justin Brown (16) Specifies that no parking regulation or ordinance shall be enforced within 1 mile of Capitol Grounds, except by a licensed peace officer
SB 370 May Modifies provisions relating to criminal records
SB 371 May Creates provisions relating to expungement
SB 372 May Repeals provisions relating to a surcharge for petition for expungement
SB 373 Trent Modifies provisions relating to certain civil cases and proceedings tried before associate circuit judges
SB 374 Cierpiot Modifies provisions relating to the renewable energy standard
SB 375 Cierpiot Modifies provisions relating to child protection
SB 376 Trent Modifies voting qualifications
SB 377 Coleman Crates new provisions relating to public contracts
SB 378 Rowden Modifies multiple provisions relating to ethics
SB 379 Crawford Modifies provisions relating to outdoor advertising
SB 380 Williams Creates a one-time grant for employers to enhance cybersecurity
SB 381 Thompson Rehder Establishes requirements relating to health and family education taught in public elementary and secondary schools
SB 382 Gannon Modifies provisions relating to the regulation of animals
SB 383 Gannon Modifies provisions relative to the collection of fees by the Division of Mine Inspection
SB 384 Gannon Modifies provisions relating to the supervision of adult offenders on probation or parole from other states
SB 385 Bean Authorizes a tax credit for certain railroad construction expenses
SB 386 Trent Establishes disclosure procedures for a claimant in an action for damages due to asbestos exposure
SB 387 Trent Modifies provisions relating to behavioral health services for certain accused persons
SB 388 Hough Modifies provisions relating to credit unions
SB 389 Hough Prohibits state agencies from collecting fees or penalties until all administrative remedies have been exhausted
SB 390 Brattin Establishes provisions relating to classroom instruction on gender identity and sexual orientation in certain grade levels
SB 391 Brattin Creates provisions relating to the jurisdiction of the attorney general
SB 392 Brattin Requires closed primary elections
SB 393 Bernskoetter Modifies provisions relating to physician license reciprocity and adopts the Interstate Medical Licensure Compact
SB 394 Bernskoetter Establishes the Uniform Interstate Depositions and Discovery Act
SB 395 Bernskoetter Extends certain natural resources fees
SB 396 Gannon Enacts provisions relating to air ambulance services
SB 397 Razer Establishes the "Dialectical Behavior Therapy Task Force" and grants certain rulemaking authority to the Department of Commerce and Insurance
SB 398 Schroer Enacts provisions relating to motor vehicles
SB 399 Schroer Creates the "Keep Our Schools Safe Act" regarding school protection officers
SB 400 Schroer Enacts provisions regarding deed restrictions, covenants, or similar agreements running with the land prohibiting ownership or pasturing of chickens
SB 401 Bernskoetter Modifies the regulation of certain business entities registered with the state
SB 402 Bernskoetter Enacts provisions relating to payments for prescription drugs
SB 403 Bernskoetter Modifies provisions relating to the Missouri state plane coordinate system
SB 404 Schroer Creates provisions relating to ordinances regulating residential dwellings
SB 405 Schroer Modifies provisions relating to the offense of endangering the welfare of a child in the first degree
SB 406 Schroer Modifies provisions relating to the certification of juveniles for trial as adults
SB 407 Bernskoetter Modifies provisions relating to Missouri Department of Transportation and Highway Patrol Employees' Retirement System and Missouri State Employees' Retirement System
SB 408 Schroer Creates provisions relating to excavation permits
SB 409 Schroer Modifies provisions relating to the assessment of personal property
SB 410 Koenig Establishes the "Do No Harm Act" relating to diversity-equity-inclusion requirements
SB 411 Ben Brown (26) Creates and modifies provisions relating to elementary and secondary education
SB 412 Ben Brown (26) Authorizes the board of trustees of a consolidated public library district to change the dates of the fiscal year
SB 413 Hoskins Establishes the Missouri Angel Investment Incentive Act
SB 414 Rowden Authorizes the filling of abandoned propane tanks by non-owners
SB 415 Arthur Creates the "Missouri Public School Salary Equalization Fund" relating to salaries for school district personnel
SB 416 Arthur Modifies provisions relating to civil actions for childhood sexual abuse
SB 417 Arthur Establishes "Emilyn's Law" relating to screening of certain school personnel
SB 418 Justin Brown (16) Modifies provisions relating to telemedicine
SB 419 Gannon Modifies provisions relating to mental health services for vulnerable persons
SB 420 Gannon Modifies the definition of "hospital" to include rural emergency hospitals
SB 421 Gannon Modifies provisions relating to death certificates
SB 422 Beck Creates new provisions relating to educational funding for students being treated at a residential treatment facility
SB 423 Washington Modifies provisions relating to certification of juveniles for trial as adults
SB 424 Washington Creates new provisions on discriminatory practices relating to hair
SB 425 Washington Authorizes a tax credit for the purchase of certain homes
SB 426 Eslinger Enacts provisions relating to payments for prescription drugs
SB 427 Eslinger Modifies provisions relating to death certificates
SB 428 Carter Modifies the Missouri Human Rights Act
SB 429 Carter Modifies provisions relating to sexually oriented businesses
SB 430 Carter Prohibits public entities from entering into certain contracts
SB 431 McCreery Modifies provisions relating to unlawful possession of firearms
SB 432 Gannon Establishes the Uniform Public Expression Protection Act, which provides procedures for dismissal of causes of action based on public expression in public proceedings or on matters of public concern
SB 433 Washington Authorizes a sales tax exemption for feminine hygiene products
SB 434 Washington Authorizes a tax credit for providing services to homeless persons
SB 435 Washington Creates a Text-to-Donate pilot program for homeless services in certain cities
SB 436 Carter Modifies provisions relating to fiduciary duties for investments of public employee retirement systems
SB 437 Washington Authorizes a tax credit for providing housing to victims of domestic violence
SB 438 Washington Creates a pilot program for incarcerated mothers to have access to their children
SB 439 Washington Creates the offense of unlawful possession of a handgun
SB 440 Washington Establishes the "Cronkite New Voices Act" to protect the freedom of press in school-sponsored media
SB 441 Washington Creates provisions relating to firearms
SB 442 Washington Modifies provisions relating to concealed firearms
SB 443 Washington Modifies provisions relating to medical marijuana program participants in family court matters
SB 444 Washington Creates provisions relating to reporting requirements of law enforcement agencies
SB 445 Washington Modifies provisions relating to use of force by law enforcement officers
SB 446 Washington Modifies provisions relating to restitution for individuals who are actually innocent
SB 447 Washington Modifies provisions relating to criminal records
SB 448 Luetkemeyer Modifies provisions relating to income tax exemptions for certain retirement benefits
SB 449 Black Modifies provisions relating to emergency medical dispatchers
SB 450 Cierpiot Modifies the civil penalty for violating federally mandated natural gas safety standards
SB 451 Trent Establishes the "Parents' Bill of Rights" to protect and promote the rights of parents to participate in and direct the education of their child and to know what is being taught in their child's public school
SB 452 Moon Authorizes an income tax deduction for income received as overtime pay
SB 453 Moon Establishes civil actions for violations of the abortion laws of this state and for economic detriment to a person for misapplication or unequal enforcement of the law
SB 454 Carter Repeals current and future increases to the motor fuel tax and alternative fuel decal fees, subject to voter approval
SB 455 Roberts Modifies provisions relating to benevolent tax credits
SB 456 Schroer Modifies requirements for motor vehicles to undergo safety inspections
SB 457 Schroer Criminalizes the disclosure of medical marijuana patients' information to unauthorized parties
SB 458 Coleman Modifies provisions relating to child protection
SB 459 Schroer Establishes the Bring MO Jobs Home Act
SB 460 Justin Brown (16) Modifies provisions relating to the sale of property to satisfy liens on stored property
SB 461 Gannon Prohibits health carriers from imposing cost-sharing requirements for certain breast examinations
SB 462 Gannon Requires a surgical smoke plume evacuation policy for hospitals and ambulatory surgical centers
SB 463 Koenig Creates new provisions relating to the treatment of summary statements prepared by the General Assembly for ballot measures
SB 464 Luetkemeyer Modifies provisions relating to marijuana facility background checks
SB 465 Schroer Creates new provisions relating to joint employees
SB 466 Schroer Modifies provisions relating to settlement demands to liability insurers
SB 467 Schroer Modifies provisions relating to determination of fault of parties and nonparties in civil actions
SB 468 Roberts Modifies provisions relating to delinquent property taxes
SB 469 Hoskins Creates the Anti-Red Flag Gun Seizure Act
SB 470 Bernskoetter Modifies provisions relating to the offense of tampering with electronic monitoring equipment
SB 471 Bernskoetter Modifies provisions related to animal chiropractic practitioners
SB 472 Bernskoetter Creates provisions relating to change of venue costs for capital cases
SB 473 Hough Repeal provisions relating to the authority to confer degrees at public institutions of higher education
SB 474 Hough Extends the sunset on certain health care provider federal reimbursement allowances
SB 475 Fitzwater Modifies the regulation of certain business entities registered with the state
SB 476 Trent Creates new provisions relating to public employment
SB 477 Brattin Modifies provisions relating to guardians ad litem
SB 478 Cierpiot Requires political subdivisions to submit tax reductions and repeals to the voters when receiving a petition
SB 479 Cierpiot Requires all elections for local tax increases to be held at a general or primary election
SB 480 Thompson Rehder Modifies provisions relating to fentanyl testing
SB 481 Thompson Rehder Modifies provisions relating to the distribution of revenue from mineral mining on federal land
SB 482 Schroer Modifies provisions relating to workers' compensation administrative judges
SB 483 Eigel Authorizes an action by the Attorney General to recover remediation costs and damages
SB 484 Eigel Modifies the purchasing authority of the Commissioner of OA
SB 485 Roberts Modifies the calculation of weighted average daily attendance used to calculate state aid for school districts
SB 486 Williams Regulates human and pet cemeteries
SB 487 Williams Enacts provisions relating to property insurance
SB 488 Coleman Modifies provisions relating to a tax credit for donations to food pantries
SB 489 Schroer Creates provisions relating to information in criminal proceedings
SB 490 Schroer Modifies procedures for getting initiative and referendum petitions on the ballot
SB 491 Cierpiot Modifies provisions relating to abortion, including the importation and distribution of drugs used to perform or induce abortions
SB 492 Trent Enacts provisions relating to motor vehicle financial protection products
SB 493 Crawford Relating to motor vehicle assessments
SB 494 Eslinger Modifies provisions relating to health care advisory committees
SB 495 Eslinger Modifies provisions relating to state funding for certain early childhood education programs
SB 496 Eslinger Modifies provisions relating to charter school funding
SB 497 Eigel Prohibits schools from providing course materials or instruction on gender identity or gender reassignment
SB 498 Eigel Authorizes an income tax deduction for income received as overtime pay
SB 499 Eigel Modifies the source of funds for the Motor Vehicle Administration Technology Fund
SB 500 Eigel Creates provisions relating to statewide grand juries
SB 501 Eigel Creates the Powering Missouri's Future Act
SB 502 Schroer Modifies provisions relating to criminal laws
SB 503 Thompson Rehder Establishes provisions relating to personal finance academic performance standards
SB 504 Thompson Rehder Creates the "Kratom Consumer Protection Act"
SB 505 Thompson Rehder Authorizes the Department of Natural Resources to convey certain state property located in Iron County to the State Highways and Transportation Commission
SB 506 Moon Modifies provisions relating to minimum prison terms
SB 507 Gannon Modifies provisions relating to lead poisoning
SB 508 Ben Brown (26) Establishes a procedure for school board recall elections
SB 509 Arthur Authorizes tax credits for child care
SB 510 Razer Modifies provisions relating to HIV preexposure prophylaxis
SB 511 Crawford Modifies provisions relating to pharmacy services in hospitals
SB 512 McCreery Enacts provisions relating to insurance coverage of prescription contraceptives
SB 513 Hoskins Authorizes a sales tax exemption for boat docks
SB 514 Hoskins Modifies provisions relating to taxation
SB 515 McCreery Increases the minimum wage rate incrementally to $15 per hour
SB 516 McCreery Authorizes a tax credit for the purchase of electric vehicles
SB 517 Roberts Designates January 21 of each year as "Edith Cunnane Day" in Missouri
SB 518 Carter Designates the "CPL Ben Cooper Memorial Bridge" on Loop 44/Range Line Road in Newton County
SB 519 Hoskins Modifies provisions relating to tax credit for certain fuels
SB 520 Cierpiot Modifies provisions relating to the review of certain financing orders by the Missouri Public Service Commission
SB 521 Crawford Extends the sunset of the 2.5% supplemental surcharge collected by the Division of Workers' Compensation
SB 522 Ben Brown (26) Modifies provisions relating to tobacco product regulations
SB 523 Bernskoetter Modifies provisions relating to sewage regulation
SB 524 Bernskoetter Modifies provisions relating to sports officials, including civil liability protections and classification as special victims for criminal assault
SB 525 Brattin Modifies provisions regarding a county commission's authority over a county library board of trustees
SB 526 Brattin Modifies provisions relating to public assistance
SB 527 Gannon Modifies provisions relating to the delivery of health care services by dentists
SB 528 Arthur Modifies provisions relating to child custody proceedings
SB 529 Justin Brown (16) Modifies provisions relating to the Large Animal Veterinary Medicine Loan Repayment Program
SB 530 Justin Brown (16) Creates provisions related to the operation of pet shops
SB 531 Washington Creates provisions relating to expungement
SB 532 Coleman Changes the filing location, order, and process for drawing candidate names for school board elections
SB 533 Coleman Relating to property taxes
SB 534 Black Modifies provisions relating to emergency medical technicians
SB 535 Fitzwater Creates the STEM Career Awareness Activity Fund for the purpose of establishing a STEM activity program for grades nine through twelve
SB 536 Fitzwater Creates new provisions relating to digital mining
SB 537 Fitzwater Authorizes the conveyance of state property
SB 538 Fitzwater Modifies provisions relating to mental health coordinators
SB 539 Trent Modifies provisions relating to hazardous waste facility permits
SB 540 Eigel Modifies provisions relating to members of the armed forces
SB 541 Eigel Modifies provisions regarding foreign ownership of real estate
SB 542 Eigel Prohibits the Governor and the Adjutant General from imposing a COVID-19 vaccination on Missouri National Guard members
SB 543 Eigel Allows students in school districts attending a four-day school week to transfer to an adjoining district where students attend a five-day school week
SB 544 Eigel Modifies authority of the commissioner of administration
SB 545 Rowden Modifies provisions relating to student enrollment in the Missouri Course Access and Virtual School Program
SB 546 Bean Repeals provisions relating to hemp extract for the treatment of intractable epilepsy
SB 547 Black Authorizes a tax credit for contributions to certain benevolent organizations
SB 548 McCreery Creates the Missouri Earned Family and Medical Leave Act
SB 549 Fitzwater Modifies provisions relating to the regulation of solar energy
SB 550 Eslinger Modifies provisions relating to sales taxes
SB 551 Eslinger Modifies provisions relating to prescription labeling requirements
SB 552 Eslinger Modifies provisions relating to nursing education
SB 553 Eslinger Establishes the "Missouri Parkinson's Disease Registry Act"
SB 554 McCreery Creates provisions relating to product repair requirements
SB 555 Bean Establishes the "Health Professional Loan Repayment Program"
SB 556 Beck Modifies the retirement allowance multiplier for certain members of the Public School Retirement System of Missouri
SB 557 Schroer Modifies provisions relating to gaming
SB 558 Schroer Enacts provisions relating to health care provider participation in health insurance plans
SB 559 Schroer Enacts provisions relating to payment for anatomic pathology services
SB 560 Schroer Provides that transportation network companies shall not be held vicariously liable based on reasons specified in the act, provided certain conditions are met
SB 561 Washington Modifies provisions relating to earned discharge from probation
SB 562 Washington Creates new provisions relating to state contracts for minority and women's business enterprises
SB 563 Washington Creates a DWI diversion program
SB 564 Luetkemeyer Modifies provisions relating to notarization requirements for certain mental health detentions
SB 565 Koenig Creates a tax credit for educational expenses incurred by parents whose children attend a home school, a virtual school, or a school outside of their district of residence
SB 566 Coleman Modifies provisions relating to the possession of firearms
SB 567 Cierpiot Modifies provisions relating to large water public utilities
SB 568 Black Creates provisions relating to the construction of electric transmission facilities
SB 569 Trent Modifies provisions relating to estate planning, including notice for transfers of the principal place of administration of a trust, electronic wills, and estate planning during the COVID-19 state of emergency
SB 570 Bernskoetter Extends the implementation date for provisions relating to pesticide certification and training
SB 571 Rowden Authorizes a tax credit for educators
SB 572 Schroer Provides that a person whose abandoned property has been towed may have its contents released to him or her upon request
SB 573 Schroer Modifies provisions relating to intoxicating liquor
SB 574 May Authorizes the Video Lottery Control Act
SB 575 Schroer Creates provisions relating to prosecuting attorneys
SB 576 Schroer Enacts provisions relating to prior authorization of health care services
SB 577 O'Laughlin Modifies provisions relating to the condemnation of land by certain utilities
SB 578 Trent Specifies that aircraft casualty insurance shall be considered commercial insurance for purposes of an exemption from the requirement to file insurance rating plans
SB 579 Washington Modifies the Pregnancy-Associated Mortality Review Board
SB 580 Washington Modifies provisions relating to the Department of Higher Education and Workforce Development
SB 581 Washington Creates provisions relating to parole eligibility
SB 582 Washington Modifies provisions relating to terms of probation
SB 583 Washington Authorizes a tax credit for the purchase of electric vehicles
SB 584 Razer Designates August 6 of each year as "Chris Sifford Day" in Missouri
SB 585 Eigel Modifies provisions relating to income tax exemptions for certain retirement benefits
SB 586 Crawford Regulates earned wage access services
SB 587 Bean Establishes the Education Stabilization Fund
SB 588 Hoskins Authorizes an income tax deduction for certain farmers
SB 589 Koenig Provides that the State Board of Education shall cause its annual report to be published on the website of the Department of Elementary and Secondary Education
SB 590 Brattin Modifies provisions relating to solid waste disposal area permits
SB 591 Bernskoetter Modifies provisions relating to commissioners of the Public Service Commission
SB 592 Roberts Creates provisions relating to inmate phone call fees
SB 593 May Modifies provisions relating to the promotion of business development
SB 594 Koenig Prohibits contracts with the state for employers providing assistance to employees for the purpose of having an abortion
SB 595 Thompson Rehder Modifies the Pregnancy-Associated Mortality Review Board
SB 596 Fitzwater Requires OA to establish guidelines for the removal of TikTok from state-owned IT
SB 597 Fitzwater Modifies provisions related to utility rates
SB 598 Brattin Establishes the "Missouri Child and Adolescent Protection Act"
SB 599 Bean Creates provisions relating to water exportation outside the state
SB 600 Schroer Repeals certain provisions relating to contingency fee contracts with private attorneys retained by the state
SB 601 Black Establishes the Education Stabilization Fund
SB 602 Coleman Reinstates the Presidential Preference Primary Election
SB 603 Coleman Establishes provisions relating to educational costs of children receiving care from psychiatric residential treatment facilities
SB 604 McCreery Modifies provisions relating to video services
SB 605 McCreery Modifies provisions relating to tattoos
SB 606 Trent Modifies provisions related to solid waste disposal
SB 607 Trent Modifies provisions relating to the assessment of solar energy property
SB 608 Gannon Repeals provisions relating to emergency services boards in Jefferson County
SB 609 Cierpiot Provides that a teacher shall not bring a cause of action against a school district based on such district's policy of using traditional honorific titles for teachers
SB 610 Eigel Enacts provisions relating to payment for health care services
SB 611 Eigel Establishes the "Operation Enduring Freedom, Operation Freedom's Sentinel, and Operation Allies Refuge Program," which provides recognition medals for certain veterans
SB 612 Roberts Authorizes the conveyance of state property
SB 613 Arthur Establishes provisions relating to funding of certain activities of public administrators and communication rights of persons subject to guardianships and conservatorships
SB 614 Thompson Rehder Requires the Department of Health and Senior Services to conduct a clinical trial of alternative therapies
SB 615 Black Creates provisions relating to flood resiliency
SB 616 Black Modifies provisions relating to the discharge of certain committed persons
SB 617 Black Repeals requirements relating to methods of reimbursement to health care providers
SB 618 Rizzo Authorizes an income tax deduction for certain farmers
SB 619 Mosley Provides a one-time supplemental payment of pension benefits to eligible retired members of the Public School Retirement System of the City of St. Louis
SB 620 Carter Modifies provisions relating to the statewide assessment system
SB 621 Koenig Modifies provisions relating to child placement
SB 622 Roberts Modifies provisions relating to homelessness
SB 623 McCreery Modifies provisions relating to distributors of hypodermic needles
SB 624 McCreery Modifies interest rates for small loans
SB 625 Razer Modifies provisions relating to emergency medical services
SB 626 May Modifies residency requirements of employees of St. Louis City
SB 627 Trent Creates a community solar pilot program
SB 628 Trent Modifies provisions relating to the disclosure of information regarding certain children
SB 629 Black Modifies provisions relating to a hydrant inspection program
SB 630 Bernskoetter Authorizes the closure of certain public safety records
SB 631 Schroer Creates the offense of unlawful distribution, delivery, or sale of a drug masking product
SB 632 Schroer Creates provisions relating to the release of a person from prison
SB 633 Justin Brown (16) Relating to the regulation of money transmission
SB 634 Black Modifies provisions relating to state funds for regional planning commissions
SB 635 Beck Requires a mechanical insulation energy audit of public buildings
SB 636 Justin Brown (16) Modifies provisions relating to agriculture
SB 637 Schroer Establishes the Intern and Apprentice Recruitment Act
SB 638 Fitzwater Creates provisions relating to customer discounts by gas corporations
SB 639 Bernskoetter Creates provisions relating to a post-consumer paint recycling program
SB 640 Roberts Repeals provisions relating to the caseload of public defenders
SB 641 Washington Modifies provisions relating to the certification of juveniles for trial as adults
SB 642 Eslinger Modifies provisions related to net metering
SB 643 Washington Modifies provisions relating to offenses against employees of election authorities
SB 644 Koenig Modifies provisions relating to earnings taxes
SB 645 Fitzwater Modifies the powers of the state auditor
SB 646 Razer Modifies provisions relating to missing children
SB 647 Bernskoetter Modifies provisions relating to the Sheriffs' Retirement System
SB 648 Thompson Rehder Creates provisions related to pole attachment agreements
SB 649 Fitzwater Creates provisions relating to foreign ownership of real estate
SB 650 Trent Modifies provisions relating to credit for time served in prison
SB 651 Eigel Creates provisions relating to prosecuting attorneys
SB 653 Roberts Creates the Missouri Geospatial Advisory Council
SB 654 Eigel Establishes a pilot program for certain medical services for veterans and other first responders
SB 655 Moon Modifies provisions relating to protective orders
SB 656 Fitzwater Modifies provisions relating to the sexual offender registry
SB 657 Crawford Increases the limit on investments in linked deposits by the State Treasurer
SB 658 Eigel Creates provisions relating to the accountability of the St. Louis city government
SB 659 McCreery Modifies provisions relating to self-administered hormonal contraceptives
SB 660 McCreery Creates a cyber crimes task force
SB 661 McCreery Modifies provisions relating to a tax credit for neighborhood assistance programs
SB 662 McCreery Modifies provisions relating to a tax credit for contributions to certain child advocacy organizations
SB 663 Cierpiot Establishes procedures for voluntary nonopioid directives
SB 664 Gannon Requires school districts and charter schools to provide instruction in cursive writing by the end of fifth grade
SB 665 Gannon Modifies provisions relating to child placement
SB 666 Black Creates the offense of interference with the transportation of livestock
SB 667 Eslinger Modifies provisions relating to prosecuting attorneys, including classification as state employees and the transfer of the Prosecuting Attorneys and Circuit Attorneys' Retirement System to the Missouri State Employees' Retirement System
SB 668 Roberts Modifies provisions relating to legal representation for certain court proceedings involving children
SB 669 Arthur Modifies provisions relating to telehealth services
SB 670 Arthur Modifies provisions relating to social worker license reciprocity
SB 671 Carter Prohibits availability of public funds to health care facilities that refuse treatment based on COVID-19 vaccination status
SB 672 Carter Creates and modifies provisions relating to disbursements of funds to libraries by the state librarian
SB 673 May Modifies provisions relating to opioid prescriptions
SB 674 May Creates provisions relating to the accountability of the St. Charles county government
SB 675 Washington Modifies provisions relating to legal representation for certain court proceedings involving children
SB 676 Washington Modifies provisions relating to the offense of filing false documents
SB 677 Trent Provides for the jurisdiction of small claims courts over actions to recover personal property
SB 678 Trent Establishes the "Media Literacy and Critical Thinking" pilot program requiring DESE to select 5-7 school districts to address the components of media literacy during the 2024-25 and 2025-26 school years
SB 679 Trent Enacts provisions relating to payments for prescription drugs
SB 680 Ben Brown (26) Prohibits public institutions of postsecondary education from requiring the submission of diversity, equity, and inclusion statements
SB 681 Eigel Modifies provisions relating to sports complex authorities
SB 682 Eigel Modifies provisions relating to the assessment of real property
SB 683 Trent Establishes provisions relating to data privacy in public elementary and secondary schools
SB 684 Luetkemeyer Modifies provisions relating to offenses against public order
SB 685 Coleman Modifies provisions relating to inspections of certain long-term care facilities
SB 686 Coleman Requires limited liability companies owning real estate in this state to file affidavits with the county or city officials with information regarding the property
SB 687 Coleman Modifies provisions relating to jury instructions for the offense of murder in the first degree
SB 688 Bernskoetter Modifies provisions relating to fire protection services in the city of Crestwood
SB 689 McCreery Authorizes certain senior citizens to defer property taxes
SB 690 Roberts Creates provisions relating to grants for nonprofit organizations at risk for terrorist attacks
SB 691 Razer Provides for the confidentiality of certain investment information submitted to a public institution of higher education
SB 692 Eigel Creates new provisions of law relating to virtual currency
SB 693 Eigel Creates the offense of engaging in an adult cabaret performance
SB 694 Eigel Creates provisions related to the maximum contaminant level of vinyl chloride in drinking water
SB 695 Bean Modifies provisions relating to public safety
SB 696 Hoskins Modifies provisions relating to the taxation of pass-through entities
SB 697 Hoskins Modifies provisions relating to the delivery of intoxicating liquor
SB 698 Hoskins Modifies provisions relating to wholesalers of intoxicating liquor
SB 699 Brattin Modifies provisions relating to statute of limitations for felony sexual offenses
SB 700 Luetkemeyer Establishes a statutory cause of action against private contractors for damages arising out of repair or construction of public highways and roads
SB 701 Schroer Modifies the relief that can be granted by courts pursuant to the Missouri Human Rights Act
SB 702 Beck Enacts provisions relating to operation of trains carrying hazardous material
SB 703 Eslinger Modifies provisions relating to the Imagination Library of Missouri Program
SB 704 Eslinger Modifies provisions relating to applications for physician licensure
SB 705 Rizzo Repeals provisions relating to the offense of drug trafficking
SB 706 Koenig Modifies provisions relating to fire protection services in St. Louis county
SB 707 Trent Requires candidates for Representative in the United States House of Representatives to be a resident of the district they wish to represent
SB 708 O'Laughlin Modifies provisions relating to civil actions
SB 709 O'Laughlin Creates provisions relating to the closure of electric power plants
SB 710 Moon Repeals certain provisions relating to fertilizer control
SB 711 Eigel Authorizes the Governor to transfer the powers, duties, personnel, and property of the Department of Elementary and Secondary Education to other state agencies
SB 712 Ben Brown (26) Preempts certain local ordinances relating to employment law
SB 713 Washington Enacts provisions relating to health insurance coverage of maternity services
SB 714 Washington Establishes standards for demographic data collection by certain entities
SB 715 Washington Creates a health advocate program in the Department of Health and Senior Services
SB 716 Washington Enacts provisions relating to motor vehicle sales tax payment plans
SB 717 Fitzwater Creates provisions relating to the closure of electric power plants
SB 718 Fitzwater Ensures cloud computing capabilities on state information technology
SB 719 Fitzwater Provides that certain public officers removed from office by a quo warranto action shall not be entitled to public retirement benefits
SB 720 Hoskins Establishes a work opportunity tax credit
SB 721 Roberts Modifies provisions relating to facilities of historic significance
SB 722 Washington Modifies provisions relating to tax increment financing
SB 723 Washington Modifies provisions relating to voter registration
SCR 1 Moon Urges the United States Congress to reinstate mandatory country of origin labeling
SCR 2 Moon Affirms the sovereignty of the people of the state of Missouri in areas protected by the Tenth Amendment to the U.S. Constitution and creates the Joint Committee on the Review of Federal Overreach
SCR 3 Moon Expresses support for actions taken to end motorcycle profiling
SCR 4 Eigel Commends Israel for its cordial and mutually beneficial relationship with Missouri and the United States, supports Israel's right to exist, and recognizes Jerusalem as the eternal capital of Israel
SCR 5 McCreery Urges the United States Congress to reinstate mandatory country of origin labeling
SCR 6 Arthur Establishes February 24 of each year as "SCN2A Awareness Day" in Missouri
SCR 7 Bernskoetter Creates the America 250 Missouri Commission
SCR 8 Bean Designates Campbell, Missouri, as the Peach Capital of Missouri
SCR 9 Roberts Urges greater awareness and services for the treatment of chronic kidney disease
SCR 10 O'Laughlin Authorizes the statutorily required independent audit of the State Auditor
SCR 11 Schroer Designates every January 8th as Eddie Gaedel Day in Missouri
SCR 12 McCreery Designates the first Tuesday in March each year as "Rivers of Missouri Day"
SCR 13 Hoskins Designates every June 21st as "Make Music Day" in Missouri
SCR 14 Washington Apologizes for the State of Missouri's role in slavery
SCR 15 Trent Urges the U.S. Congress to make permanent the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act of 2017
SCR 16 Fitzwater Urges a joint investigation to determine any monetary compensation for contamination from radioactive waste and requests the Missouri Congressional delegation to expand the Radiation Exposure Compensation Act
SCR 17 Eigel Strongly urges the U.S. Congress to propose the State Powers Amendment to the U.S. Constitution
SCR 18 May Urges the Governor to establish an oversight committee to work with the federal government on programs listed under the Justice 40 Initiative
SCR 19 May Urges the U.S. Congress to enact the Economic Democracy Act
SJR 1 Hoskins Amends the Constitution to assert the right to hunt and fish
SJR 2 Koenig Modifies provisions relating to initiative petitions
SJR 3 Koenig Modifies provisions relating to taxation
SJR 4 Koenig Modifies provisions relating to MO HealthNet beneficiaries, providers, and services
SJR 5 Rowden Raises the threshold for approving initiative petitions proposing constitutional amendments
SJR 6 Rowden Amends the Constitution to assert the right of parent to participate in and direct the education of their children
SJR 7 Eigel Places restrictions on state appropriations
SJR 8 Eigel Prohibits expenditures of public funds to any person or facility, or affiliate of such, performing or inducing an abortion
SJR 9 Eigel Proposes a constitutional amendment establishing the Interstate 70 Improvement Fund and requiring certain deposits into the fund
SJR 10 Crawford Modifies the initiative petition process
SJR 11 Cierpiot Exempts noncommercial vehicles in excess of ten years old from property tax
SJR 12 Cierpiot Creates standard for initiative petitions to meet the single subject requirement
SJR 13 Cierpiot Requires all county assessors to be elected
SJR 14 Justin Brown (16) Authorizes excursion boat gambling on the Osage River
SJR 15 Luetkemeyer Allows real property assessments to be limited by law
SJR 16 Luetkemeyer Exempts certain disabled veterans from property taxes
SJR 17 Brattin Modifies provisions relating to the legislative process
SJR 18 Brattin Replaces the property tax on real property with a sales tax
SJR 19 Moon Recognizes that nothing in the Missouri Constitution shall be construed to secure or protect a right to abortion
SJR 20 Moon Prohibits laws or public policies from infringing on the right of individuals to refuse medical procedures or treatments
SJR 21 Roberts Authorizes counties to freeze the real property assessed values of certain senior citizens
SJR 22 Mosley Modifies provisions relating to the General Assembly
SJR 23 Mosley Modifies term limits for members of the General Assembly
SJR 24 Mosley Modifies provisions relating to jury trial waivers
SJR 25 Fitzwater Modifies provisions relating to the General Assembly
SJR 26 Fitzwater Authorizes a property tax exemption for certain property used for childcare
SJR 27 Trent Modifies provisions relating to voter qualifications
SJR 28 Carter Modifies the process for approving constitutional amendments
SJR 29 Carter Provides for parents' exclusive right to control the upbringing of their children
SJR 30 Ben Brown (26) Modifies constitutional provisions relating to elections
SJR 31 Brattin Modifies provisions relating to the judiciary, including access to judicial records, judicial lobbying activities, and the nonpartisan court plan
SJR 32 Moon Modifies provisions of the Constitution relating to powers of the General Assembly
SJR 33 Moon Modifies the process for approving constitutional amendments
SJR 34 Schroer Modifies provisions relating to limits on state revenue
SJR 35 Schroer Modifies provisions relating to property taxes
SJR 36 Washington Places limits on increases of the assessment of certain properties
SJR 37 Cierpiot Repeals restrictions on legislative staff acting, serving, or registering as a lobbyist after legislative employment
SJR 38 Black Relating to the foreign ownership of agricultural land
SJR 39 Ben Brown (26) Authorizes an exemption from increases in property tax assessments for certain taxpayers
SJR 40 Washington Places limits on increases of the assessment of certain properties
SJR 41 Rowden Creates the Joint Committee on State Security
SJR 42 Carter Creates provisions relating to sheriffs
SJR 43 Schroer Relating to compensation of elected county and municipal officers
SJR 44 Bernskoetter BILL WITHDRAWN
SJR 46 Black Provides for the levying of certain costs and fees to support the salaries and benefits of certain state and county personnel
SJR 47 Rizzo Establishes the Stop Socialism Act
SR 3 Rowden Modifies Senate Rules 6, 25, and 28 relating to standing committees of the Senate
SR 7 May Modifies Senate Rule 29 relating to the assignment of Senate offices and seats in the Senate Chamber
SR 22 Roberts Modifies Senate Rule 91 relating to excuses from voting as it relates to members who are active duty military
SR 348 Schroer Urges the Department of Health and Senior Services to remove barriers to increasing the available number of certified nurse assistants in Missouri
SR 369 O'Laughlin Use of Chamber for Missouri Girls State Program
SR 370 O'Laughlin Use of Chamber for Missouri Youth Leadership Forum for students with Disabilities
SR 372 O'Laughlin Use of Chamber for Silver Haired Legislature
SR 390 Beck Modifies Senate Rule 25 regarding testimony of certain public officials before committees of the Senate
SR 417 Hoskins Creates a new Senate Rule relating to the voting records of Senators
SR 978 O'Laughlin Use of Chamber for Missouri YMCA Youth and Government program
SR 979 O'Laughlin Use of Chamber for Missouri Youth Leadership
SR 980 O'Laughlin Use of Chamber for Silver Haired Legislature
SR 981 O'Laughlin Use of Chamber for Missouri Girls State
SRM 1 Schroer Remonstrates against Circuit Attorney Kimberly Gardner
SRM 2 Beck Remonstrates against Timothy Farber as chair of the Missouri Commission on Human Rights

Senate Bills: 0
Senate Concurrent Resolutions: 0
Senate Joint Resolutions: 0
Senate Resolutions: 0