SB 232
Modifies provisions relating to immunizations
LR Number:
Last Action:
2/9/2023 - Second Read and Referred S Emerging Issues Committee
Journal Page:
Effective Date:
August 28, 2023

Current Bill Summary

SB 232 - This act modifies laws relating to immunizations. Currently, the Department of Health and Senior Services promulgates rules governing childhood immunizations for children attending public, private, parochial, or parish schools. This act limits such immunizations to those for diseases specifically listed in law and removes the requirement for children attending private, parochial, or parish schools to have received such immunizations prior to attending those schools. This act also permits students attending public schools to attend without providing evidence of an immunization if the child can produce evidence of acquired immunity.

Currently, a child may be exempted from the immunization requirement for religious beliefs or medical contraindications. This act adds an exemption for conscientious beliefs. The religious or conscientious objection may be a written statement by the parent or guardian if signed by the parent or guardian or a completed form specifically described in the act. No further requirements shall be made of the parent or guardian.

The Department of Health and Senior Services shall develop an informational brochure outlining the process of obtaining a medical, religious, or conscientious exemption and make such brochure available on its website.

This act also adds conscientious exemptions for meningococcal vaccines for students at public institutions of higher education who reside in on-campus housing, which may be a written, signed statement by the student or on a form described in the act. The current definition of on-campus housing includes fraternity or sorority residences. This act changes the definition to include only publicly owned property.

Currently, children attending public, private, or parochial day care centers, preschools, or nursery schools caring for 10 or more children shall first be immunized prior to attendance for diseases determined by the Department of Health and Senior Services. This act limits this requirement to immunizations for diseases specified in the act and only for children attending public day cares, preschools, or nursery schools. A child may be exempt from this requirement for religious or conscientious beliefs by a written, signed statement by a parent or guardian or a completed form described in the act.

Under this act, the decision to not immunize a child by those responsible for the child's care, custody, and control shall not be considered child abuse or neglect and reports of a child not receiving an immunization shall not be a contributing factor in the Children's Division's decision to accept reports concerning such a child or to investigate or conduct a family assessment.

Under this act, the State Board of Registration for the Healing Arts shall not initiate a contested hearing on the basis of, or in retaliation for, any licensee or applicant providing an immunization exemption statement or certification under this act. The Board shall not refuse to issue or renew a license or otherwise restrict a license on the basis of, or in retaliation for, any licensee or applicant providing an immunization exemption statement or certification under this act.

This act is identical to HB 2009 (2022).



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