SB 362
Modifies public notice requirements for certain public projects
LR Number:
Last Action:
2/23/2023 - Second Read and Referred S Governmental Accountability Committee
Journal Page:
Effective Date:
August 28, 2023

Current Bill Summary

SB 362 - This act modifies the public notice requirements required for certain public contracts. Specifically, for each of the following projects, the officer or agency entering into the contract or project is required to post an invitation for bid on its website or through some other electronic medium available to the general public and allow such invitation to be posted for a period of 10 days prior to bids being opened:

· Contracts for projects entered into by an officer or agency of the state in excess of $100,000 (Section 8.250);

· Certain public works projects performed with a negotiated contract with construction management services. (Section 8.679); and

· Construction manager-at-risk and design-build projects engaged in by the Office of Administration. (Section 8.690).

The act additionally repeals a requirement that bids be advertised in two daily newspapers of general circulation in places that are most likely to reach prospective bidders for the following projects:

· Purchases by the Office of Administration where the estimated expenditure is $100,000 or more, whether done through competitive bidding or not (Sections 34.040 and 34.042); and

· On any single feasible source purchase by the Office of Administration where the estimated expenditure is $100,000 or more. (Section 34.044)



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