SB 45 - Currently, low-income pregnant and postpartum women receiving benefits through MO HealthNet for Pregnant Women or Show-Me Healthy Babies are eligible for pregnancy-related coverage throughout the pregnancy and for 60 days following the end of the pregnancy. Under this act, MO HealthNet coverage for these low-income women will include full Medicaid benefits for the duration of the pregnancy and for one year following the end of the pregnancy. This coverage shall begin on the effective date of the act and shall continue during any period of time the federal authorization for such coverage is in effect. Currently, the federal American Rescue Plan of 2021 has authorized 5 years of this coverage. This act has an emergency clause. This act is identical to SCS/SBs 698 & 639 (2022) and provisions in HCS/SS#2/SB 823 (2022) and SCS/HCS/HB 2012 (2022). SARAH HASKINS