SCS/SB 410 - This act establishes the "Do No Harm Act". Each institution of higher education receiving state funding shall certify to the Department of Higher Education and Workforce Development, as described in the act, that it does not and shall not require students, applicants, instructors, employees, contractors, vendors, volunteers, or agents to ascribe to, study, or be instructed with diversity-equity-inclusion (DEI) ideologies or materials. Each institution of higher education shall not require students, prospective students, employees, or prospective employees to ascribe to DEI ideologies or to answer questions or agree with statements relating to DEI ideologies and shall not offer any additional benefit or compensation for taking courses related to DEI ideologies or participating in activities related to DEI ideologies, as described in the act. Each institution of higher education shall not reduce the academic standards for student admission or advancement within health care-related academic programs without receiving prior approval by the General Assembly through a concurrent resolution. Institutions of higher education violating this provision shall not be eligible for state funding, grants, contracts, or any other benefit and shall repay the state treble the amount of funds they received, as described in the act. Under this act, no professional or occupational licensing oversight body of the state shall impose any requirements upon an applicant for licensure or renewal that subjects the applicant to DEI ideologies or materials in any way. No organization issuing health care-related professional certifications or continuing education recognized or utilized by an oversight body shall use DEI ideologies or materials as part of the certification or education process. SARAH HASKINS