HCS/SS/SCS/SBs 45 & 90 - Currently, low-income pregnant and postpartum women receiving benefits through MO HealthNet for Pregnant Women or Show-Me Healthy Babies are eligible for pregnancy-related coverage throughout the pregnancy and for 60 days following the end of the pregnancy. Under this act, MO HealthNet coverage for these low-income women will include full Medicaid benefits for the duration of the pregnancy and for one year following the end of the pregnancy. The Department shall submit any necessary state plan amendments or waivers, as described in the act. These provisions are similar to SCS/SBs 698 & 639 (2022) and provisions in HCS/SS#2/SB 823 (2022) and SCS/HCS/HB 2012 (2022). Under this act, the state shall not provide any payments, add-ons, or reimbursements to health care providers through MO HealthNet for medical assistance services to persons who are not considered Missouri residents under federal regulations. This provision is identical to SB 282 (2023), SB 933 (2022), and SB 895 (2020). Finally, within 30 days of the effective date of this act, the Department of Social Services shall resume annual MO HealthNet eligibility redeterminations, renewals, and postenrollment verifications. This act has an emergency clause. SARAH HASKINS