HB 2013 Appropriates state funding for statewide leasing

     Handler: Hough

Current Bill Summary

- Prepared by Senate Research -

	SS/SCS/HCS/HB 2013 - Statewide Leasing

.            Governor                     House

GR       $  101,549,790             $  100,950,195
FEDERAL      26,245,963                 26,291,984
OTHER        12,333,415                 12,341,204
.         _____________              _____________
TOTAL    $  140,129,168             $  139,583,383

.             Senate                     Final

GR       $  101,161,943             $  101,161,943
FEDERAL      26,211,947                 26,211,947
OTHER        12,311,106                 12,311,106
.         _____________              _____________
TOTAL    $  139,684,996             $  139,684,996

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