HB 2015 Appropriates supplemental funds

     Handler: Hough

Current Bill Summary

- Prepared by Senate Research -

	SS/SCS/HCS/HB 2015 - Supplemental Appropriations

.           Governor                     House

GR       $ 146,507,631              $ 106,907,097
FEDERAL    230,055,339                256,014,449
OTHER      152,865,998                155,190,713
.         ____________               ____________
TOTAL    $ 529,428,968              $ 518,112,259

.            Senate                      Final

GR       $ 109,635,040              $ 109,635,040
FEDERAL    314,114,449                314,114,449
OTHER      154,690,713                154,690,713
.         ____________               ____________
TOTAL    $ 578,440,202              $ 578,440,202

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