HCR 30 Expresses support for Israel and recognition of its special relationship with the United States

Current Bill Summary

- Prepared by Senate Research -

HCS/HCR 30 - This concurrent resolution commends Israel for its cordial and mutually beneficial relationship with the United States of America and the state of Missouri since 1948. The General Assembly supports Israel's right to exist and recognizes Jerusalem as the eternal capital of Israel. The General Assembly stands in unequivocal support of Israel in its efforts to defend its citizens and eliminate the threats posed by Hamas and other terrorist organizations. Missouri further supports Israel's inalienable right to prosecute the war until the threat posed is eradicated. Missouri holds Hamas and other terrorist organizations accountable for all civilian casualties as Israel seeks to eradicate Hamas and the threat it poses to innocent lives. The resolution calls on the United States government to continue to stand with the people of Israel in their time of need and to support the victims of the recent terrorist attack against the State of Israel.

This resolution is similar to SCS/SCRs 24 & 25 (2024).


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