HB 1713 Modifies provisions relating to military affairs

     Handler: Schroer

Current Bill Summary

- Prepared by Senate Research -

SS/HB 1713 - This act modifies provisions relating to military affairs.


This act provides that no member of the Missouri National Guard shall be required by the Governor or the Adjutant General to receive a COVID-19 vaccination as a condition of state service. (Section 41.092)

This provision is identical to SB 542 (2023) and to a provision in SCS/SB 734 (2024) and SCS/HB 1067 (2023).


This act requires the Missouri Veterans' Commission to review the provisions of the Commander John Scott Hannon Veterans Mental Health Care Improvement Act of 2019 and any regulations related to such act. After review, the Commission, in collaboration with the Department of Mental Health, shall provide recommendations and make efforts to adopt procedures, programs, treatment options, aid, and other assistance necessary to assist in the efforts to prevent veteran suicide. Additionally, this act provides that the Commission shall file a report with the Department of Public Safety and the General Assembly on the recommendations, implementation, and effectiveness of the Commission's efforts to prevent veteran suicide before June 30, 2025, and by every subsequent June 30th. (Section 42.022)

This provision is identical to HB 1495 (2024) and to a provision in SCS/SB 734 (2024), HCS/SS/SCS/SB 912 (2024), HCS/HB 1490 (2024), HB 132 (2023), and SCS/HB 1067 (2023), and is substantially similar to a provision in SCS/HB 2455 (2022).


This act establishes a new medallion program, "Operation Enduring Freedom, Operation Freedom's Sentinel, and Operation Allies Refuge Program". Under the act, any veteran who served on active duty during certain dates, is a legal resident of this state or was a legal resident at the time of discharge from military service, or was a Missouri National Guard member regardless of residency, is eligible for a medal of appreciation for service. (Section 42.312)

This provision is identical to HB 1496 (2024) and to a provision in SCS/SB 734 (2024), HCS/SS/SCS/SB 912 (2024), HCS/HB 1490 (2024), SS/SB 540 (2023), SB 611 (2023), HB 836 (2023), and in SCS/HB 1067 (2023).


Current law authorizes an income tax deduction for active and reserve members of the Armed Forces for a percentage of such taxpayer's income received as salary or compensation as a member of the Armed Forces. This act provides that the term "salary or compensation" shall include any signing bonus. (Sections 143.174 and 143.175)

These provisions are identical to provisions in HCS/SS/SCS/SB 912 (2024), and are substantially similar to provisions in SCS/SB 734 (2024), SS/SB 540 (2023), and SCS/HB 1067 (2023).


Currently, any Missouri National Guard member may be awarded an educational assistance grant to an approved public or private higher education institution. This act provides that any Missouri National Guard member may be awarded, upon application before each semester, either a tuition and fee waiver for undergraduate courses at a postsecondary institution of higher education located in this state that directly receives funds appropriated by the General Assembly or a grant to certain eligible institutions as defined in the act. The tuition and fee waiver shall not be implemented prior to the 2025-2026 academic year and shall only be applicable to tuition and fees remaining after the application of certain other tuition assistance programs and grants as provided in the act.

The educational assistance shall not exceed the lesser of the actual tuition charged at an institution where the member is enrolled or accepted for enrollment or the total of the number of credit hours taken multiplied by the average tuition cost per credit hour charged to a Missouri resident at the University of Missouri for attendance, with the average cost determined by the Missouri National Guard. In addition to the current application and eligibility requirements, this act provides that the member shall not have yet earned a baccalaureate degree and that the member has completed and submitted a FAFSA application for the applicable term.

The tuition and fee waiver shall be awarded if the member applies and is otherwise eligible, except shall only be awarded after the Missouri National Guard has distributed moneys available to the member through the State Tuition Assistance Program. Additionally, an applicant for the tuition and fee waiver shall cease to be eligible if his or her total completed credit hours exceeds 120 credit hours. Furthermore, this act provides that the tuition and fee waiver shall not be available in fiscal years in which the percentage of the total program costs covered by state appropriation for the educational assistance programs covered by this act has decreased compared to the previous fiscal year. (Section 173.239)

This provision is identical to SCS/SB 1322 (2024) and to a provision in SCS/HCS/HB 1569 (2024), is substantially similar to a provision in HCS/SS/SCS/SB 912 (2024), and is similar to a provision in HB 2166 (2024).


Under this act, any person who acquires, uses, produces, possesses, transfers, or administers psilocybin for the person's own therapeutic use shall not be subject to state or local criminal or civil penalties if the person: (1) is a Missouri veteran, (2) is 21 years of age or older, (3) suffers from a condition listed in the act, (4) has enrolled in a study regarding the use of psilocybin to treat such conditions, (5) informs the Department of Mental Health that such person plans to acquire, use, produce, possess, transfer, or administer psilocybin under this act, (6) provides the Department with specified documentation and information, (7) ensures the psilocybin is tested in a licensed laboratory, and (8) limits the use of psilocybin to no more than 150 milligrams of psilocybin analyte during any 12-month period. A person who assists another in any of the acts permitted under this act and any laboratory testing psilocybin under this act shall not be subject to state or local criminal or civil penalties.

Subject to appropriation, the Department shall provide grants totaling $3 million dollars for research on the use and efficacy of psilocybin for the treatment of conditions listed in the act.

The Department shall prepare annual reports for the Governor, Lieutenant Governor, and the General Assembly on the implementation and outcomes of psilocybin use under this act.

No state agency shall disclose to the federal government or any unauthorized third party the statewide list or any individual information of persons who meet the requirements of this act.

Additionally, this act modifies current law on the use of investigational drugs and devices for individuals with terminal illnesses to include individuals with life-threatening or severely debilitating conditions or illnesses. Currently, investigational drugs shall not include Schedule I controlled substances. This act repeals that prohibition.

Finally, this act requires the Department, in collaboration with a Missouri university hospital or contract research organizations conducting FDA-approved trials, to conduct a study on the efficacy of using alternative medicine and therapies, including, but not limited to, the use of psilocybin, for the treatment of patients suffering post-traumatic stress disorder, major depressive disorder, substance use disorders, or who require end-of-life care, as described in the act. Such study shall include a study of the use of psilocybin to treat such conditions, as well as a literature review and the submission of various reports. No person participating in the study shall be subject to criminal or civil liability or sanction for participating, except in cases of gross negligence or willful misconduct. (Sections 191.479, 191.480, and 630.1170)

These provisions are substantially similar to SCS/SB 768 (2024) and HCS/HB 1830 (2024), and are similar to HB 1154 (2023) and SB 614 (2023).


This act establishes the "Veterans Traumatic Brain Injury Treatment and Recovery Act", which provides that any facility in the state that provides hyperbaric oxygen therapy to a veteran shall be eligible for reimbursement for such therapy from the Missouri Veterans Commission if certain conditions are met, as described in the act.

A facility seeking reimbursement for therapy provided to a veteran shall request advance approval from the Commission prior to providing such therapy. After providing therapy, the facility shall submit the bill for such therapy to the Commission in lieu of billing the veteran.

T he Commission shall annually submit a report detailing each treatment of hyperbaric oxygen therapy provided to a veteran pursuant to the act. The Missouri Department of Health and Senior Services shall annually submit to the Governor a report relating to the administration of the act and any recommendations for expanding access to alternative therapies for veterans. (Sections 191.2600 to 191.2630)

These provisions are identical to HB 2215 (2024) and to provisions in HCS/HB 1490 (2024).


This act specifies that the Disabled American Veterans special license plate "shall bear the emblem of the Disabled American Veterans organization", and "shall have an authorized Disabled American Veterans' slogan near the bottom of the plate", rather than specifically describing the emblem and slogan. (Section 301.3061)

This provision is identical to HB 1459 (2024) and to a provision in HCS/SS/SCS/SB 912 (2024), SCS/SB 734 (2024), SCS/HCS/HB 1775 (2024), and SCS/HB 1067 (2023).


This act provides that any person who served as a member of the Armed Forces of the United States in Afghanistan and Iraq and who was awarded the Afghanistan Campaign medal and the Iraq Campaign medal may apply for Afghanistan and Iraq Veteran vehicle license plates, as provided in the act. (Section 301.3181)

This act also provides that any person who served as a member of the Armed Forces of the United States in Afghanistan and who was awarded the Afghanistan Campaign medal may apply for Afghanistan Veteran vehicle license plates, as provided in the act. (Section 301.3182)

These provisions are identical to HCS/HB 2091 (2024) and to provisions in HCS/HB 1490 (2024).


This act establishes the "Missouri Veterans and Job Opportunity Grant Program" in the Department of Economic Development for the purpose of administering and dispersing financial support to eligible employers that are registered to do business in Missouri and that has paid wages to certain individuals, as specified in federal law for the Work Opportunity Tax Credit. (Section 620.3305)

This provision is identical to a provision in HCS/SS/SCS/SB 912 (2024).



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