Senator Rohrbach
Bills Sponsored

HB 0323 - Authorizes sale of certain land at Church Farm Correctional Facility
SB 0036 - Prohibits future private jails for profit
SB 0037 - Changes in the way neighborhood improvement districts are established
SB 0038 - Requires voter approval for building codes in certain counties
SB 0091 - State employees' home addresses and phone numbers are to be confidential
SB 0175 - Exempts small mortgage brokers from audit requirements
SB 0176 - Procedures for agency rulemaking
SB 0195 - Certain DNR rules may be no stricter than federal regulations with exceptions
SB 0200 - Modifies cockfighting law
SB 0204 - Repeals boat sales tax exemption and creates Water Safety Fund
SB 0252 - Adds one circuit court judge in Cole County in 2002
SB 0307 - Allows parents to prevent those under age 18 from getting their driver's license
SB 0330 - Eliminates the bulk disclosure of motor vehicle records by the Department of Revenue
SB 0402 - Revises contracting for telephone service for inmates
SB 0403 - Abolishes the Budget Stabilization and Cash Operating Reserve Funds
SB 0522 - Creates crime of fraudulent use of a debit device
SB 0525 - Requires charitable organizations conducting raffles with prizes over $5,000 per year to be licensed
SJR 025 - Creates Budget Reserve Fund to provide moneys for financial emergencies and natural disasters

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