Senator Justin Brown's Legislative Column for Jan. 5, 2024

Friday, January 5, 2024

State Sen. Justin Brown
District 16

For Immediate Release:
Jan. 5, 2024

Capital Building, Room 420
Jefferson City, MO 65101 

Contact: Ashley Bax

A Return to the Capitol


For the sixth year, I made the early January journey to Jefferson City for the start of the Second Regular Session of the 102nd General Assembly. While I know there are long and likely frustrating days ahead, it continues to be an honor and a privilege to represent the people of the 16th Senatorial District in the Missouri Senate. 

Session began on Wednesday and was largely ceremonial. The biggest event of the day was the first-reading of nearly 600 bills and resolutions. These were mostly pre-filed bills that were submitted in December. While many more will be filed in the weeks to come, these bills represent the majority of the topics and issues that we will discuss, debate and ultimately vote in during session. 

I will provide updates on the bills I have filed throughout session as each one moves forward through the legislative process. So far I have filed 12 bills. My top priorities this year are to improve insurance coverage of pharmacy services, preserve economic opportunities in rural areas and creation of the “Commercial Financing Disclosure Law”, which would increase transparency regarding business financing transactions.

I encourage you to stay informed and involved in the legislative process. You can always feel free to contact my office if you have any questions or concerns about the Missouri state government, or if you’d like to share your thoughts on pending legislation.

It’s my honor to serve as your senator for the 16th District. If you have questions or need any assistance, please call my office at 573-751-5713 or log onto my webpage at for more information.
