Senator Holly Thompson Rehder's Legislative Column for March 29, 2024

Friday, March 29, 2024

Senator Holly Thompson Rehder
District 27

For Immediate Release: 
March 29, 2024

Capitol Building, Room 433
Jefferson City, MO 65101

 Contact: Cameron Borders

Money In the Right Pockets

Hi y’all! Several weeks ago, I took time in my weekly column and on the Senate floor to talk about the importance of doing the leg work and having the conversations if legislators want to get their bills approved by the General Assembly and on to the governor’s desk. I am pleased to say that I walked the walk, did the work and now a very beneficial bill is on the verge of heading to the Missouri House of Representatives. 

Senate Bill 862 was once again taken up by the Senate for perfection on Tuesday afternoon. You may remember that this bill was brought up on the floor earlier this month and had to be put aside as the bill began collecting amendments like Christmas tree ornaments. I spent the last three weeks working with my colleagues to find compromise and resolution on the amendments that I think will enhance the bill. 

The primary purpose of this bill is to make sure benefits left behind by a parent who has passed away or become disabled are received by the child or children who then have to enter the foster care system. Unfortunately, the state’s current law on this issue allows the state to absorb that money. These are recourses that would play a huge part in getting these kids off on the right foot with tuition, housing or the numerous other things they will need as they age out of the system. This change could help hundreds of kids that have already been through so much hurt, so throughout the legislative process, I was unwilling to water down this bill or put its ultimate success in danger with unrelated amendments. 

We were able to find a solution and put forth substitute language that has now been perfected and is awaiting a final vote I believe will take place next week. Now, in addition to helping foster children, the bill includes provisions expanding the safety requirements of child care facilities and modifies several laws regarding the placement and custody of children. There is no doubt that these additions expand the reach of the bill, but I also truly believe that each provision included will help provide the best life possible for children in Missouri. 

I’m proud of the work and discussions that was put in to get this bill through the Senate, but with roughly half the legislative session remaining, there’s no time to rest on this one victory. Next week I am hopeful the Senate will discuss and approve my bills to end child marriage and provide potentially life-changing treatments for veterans. We also have to reapprove Missouri’s Federal Reimbursement Allowance law and finalize the state’s Fiscal Year 2025 operating budget. There’s a lot to do and not a lot of time to do it, but we are gaining momentum and I am optimistic for a great finish to the 2024 Legislative Session. 

Contact Me

I always appreciate hearing your comments, opinions and concerns. Please feel free to contact me in Jefferson City at 573-751-2459. You may write me at Holly Thompson Rehder,
 Missouri Senate, State Capitol, Rm 433, Jefferson City, MO 65101, send an email to or visit