Senator Denny Hoskins' Capitol Report for Week of April 29, 2024

Friday, May 3, 2024

Week of April 29, 2024


Fighting for our Constitution

Greetings! The Senate is approaching the end of session, and with it the end of my time to serve as your Senator. For that reason, and many others, I am more focused than ever on the priorities I know our important to Missourians across the state.

This week, I stood with several of my similarly-minded colleagues in the Senate Chamber and demanded the passage of my, and many Missourians’, number one priority: initiative petition (IP) reform. All told, we spent more than 40 hours holding the Senate floor in an effort to bring Senate Joint Resolution 74 to the top of our to-do list. 

While we ultimately did not get the bill passed this week, I believe our effort was successful in that anyone aiming to run out the clock on this legislation knows we are not messing around and will do what it takes to get this done. 

I will continue to fight until the last day, if need be, to pass this priority of conservatives and protect our constitution. If approved by voters, this bill would require an initiative petition receive the majority of votes in five of the eight congressional districts in order to be approved. It will also prevent foreign governments from sponsoring or funding an initiative petition. Finally, it would prevent anyone who is not a legal resident of Missouri and citizen of the United States of America from voting on any bill that would affect our state constitution. I believe this will protect our constitution and keep out-of-state interests from influencing our most sacred document. 

If you make your way to Jefferson City, feel free to stop by. I always love visiting with my constituents and being reminded of the reason why I work so hard. 

As always, I appreciate hearing your comments, opinions and concerns. Please feel free to contact me in Jefferson City at 573-751-4302. You may also email me at

I was honored to speak at the Freedom of  Road Riders Rally this week at the Capitol.

It was wonderful to speak at the March for Life this week and see so many come in support.