Senator Sandy Crawford's Capitol Report for the Week of May 13, 2024

Friday, May 17, 2024

    May 17, 2024

As I write this Capitol Report and reflect on the 2024 legislative session, I can only describe it as the most ineffective and frustrating session I have experienced in all my years in Jefferson City. Because of the Senate’s dysfunction, most days were deemed unproductive. In spite of the challenges, I was able to get several of the bills I filed across the finish line.


Senate Bill 912 included a bill that I filed that provides educational assistance to members of the Missouri National Guard.


Senate Bill 1359 contains seven bills that I filed. Included in the bill are provisions that standardize the procedure for selecting a municipal depository for all classes of municipalities. It also removes inconsistent, outdated and ambiguous statutory requirements, and updates municipal depository laws to conform to current practices and standards. It creates the “Money Transmission Modernization Act,” which updates the Missouri sale of checks law that has been largely unchanged since its 1984 enactment, when paper money orders were the primary way to transmit funds. In the past, companies like Western Union and MoneyGram were used to transmit funds, unlike today where most people are now using companies like Venmo and PayPal.


Senate Bill 1359 also allows self-storage insurance producers to offer $15,000 worth of insurance coverage to their customers. The previous limit was $5,000. In addition, this bill moves Missouri Family Trust accounts from the secretary of state’s office to the Missouri Division of Finance. Several other banking and insurance bills that I filed were also included in SB 1359.


House Bill 1803 raises the cap on the MO Bucks program, which is designed to allow farmers and small business owners the access to lower interest rates on loans. This bill has already been signed by the governor and will become law on Aug. 28.


I was also successful in getting several projects funded in our state budget. I will give more details on them after the governor signs the budget.


I am looking forward to being back home in the district after spending the past few months working in Jefferson City.


Senator Sandy Crawford working in the Senate Chamber.


Recent Visitors to the Capitol

Team SCREAM/Smith-Cotton High School Robotics
 Assistant Coach Mindy Gray, Head Coach Michael Wright
  Andrew Chernish,
 Programming Capt. and Driver Jackson Sparks,
 Bridger Blenap, Kyle Ayers, Sen. Crawford, Anna Goodrich,
 Dakota Acosta, Charlotte Fischer, Nolan Frankum,
 Bryson Middleton,
 Programming Capt. and Operator Jordan Hoover,
 Engineering Capt. Jaimeson Severa and
 Team Capt. Morgan Withers


SCREAM stands for: Smith Cotton Robotics, Engineering, and Mathematics. The team was started in the fall of 2011 by coach and engineering teacher Michael Wright. Over the past six years, they have experienced a lot of success and have seen tremendous growth. Out of 2500 teams from around the world, Team Scream was one of 600 who qualified to compete in the World Championship in Houston, TX, last month. After several rounds of competition, they earned a spot in the finals and defeated their challenger to become the FIRST Robotics Competition. I was proud to host them at the Capitol and applaud their tremendous success.



I am honored to serve as your senator in the Missouri Senate. If, at any time, you have questions, concerns or ideas regarding state government, please feel free to contact me at 573-751-8793 or


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