Senator Justin Brown's Legislative Column for May 20, 2024

Monday, May 20, 2024

State Sen. Justin Brown
District 16

For Immediate Release:
May 20, 2024

Capital Building, Room 420
Jefferson City, MO 65101

Contact: Ashley Bax

Finishing Strong


Hello and greetings from Jefferson City. The final bell has been rung and the legislative session for this year has come to its end. Despite a number of setbacks and delays, I believe we can be proud of what we got accomplished this year.

Before I get into the final bills that reached the desired end this year, I want to first say thank you to everyone that reached out and even came to the Capitol to help inform me on important issues. Some of those messages were for legislation, some against and others merely helped provide information and expert commentary. All of it was important and useful as I did my best to represent the people of the 16th Senatorial District over the last several months.

As the clock ticked down to the 6 p.m. deadline on Friday, May 17, we all felt the pressure of pushing our priorities through the process and on to the governor’s desk for his consideration. With less bills than we’ve seen in recent years completing the legislative journey in 2024, I am thrilled to report that several of my proposals have been truly agreed and finally passed by the General Assembly.

On Friday, the Missouri House of Representatives passed Senate Bill 751. This legislation provides numerous benefits for Missourians – without using a dime of taxpayer funding – and received overwhelming bipartisan support in both chambers. By providing very basic oversight to some of our medical care laws, this bill protects patients’ access to lifesaving drugs through local pharmacies, lowers prescription medication costs for seniors and others in need of assistance, keeps safety-net hospitals and other qualified health centers open and pumps millions of dollars into Missouri communities that would otherwise go to out-of-state drug companies. I have seen how overpriced medication impacts our rural communities and it was at the top of my priority list to get this done this year.

The other bill I am proud to see go to the governor’s desk is the legislation to honor my father, Dr. Dan Brown. Senate Bill 1453 designates a portion of Route 63 in Rolla as the “Dr. Dan Brown Memorial Highway.” My dad’s legacy in our community and in the Capitol are beyond reproach and worthy of such a distinction, so I am not surprised the bill received unanimous support from both sides of the aisle in both chambers.

These bills both represent my, and my family’s, desire to see Missouri be the best it can be for all the people who live here. This session has been long and tiring, and I am excited to get some time at home with my family. However, I am also motivated by these successes to continue the work we have started and I will be back next year, ready to keep up the cause.

I look forward to providing more details and information, as well as discussing a number of issues with many of you, when I am back in the district this summer and fall. Please reach out if there is anything my office can assist you with.

It’s my honor to serve as your senator for the 16th District. If you have questions or need any assistance, please call my office at 573-751-5713 or log onto my webpage at for more information.
