Senator Bernskoetter's Legislative Column for June 7, 2024

Friday, June 7, 2024

Senator Mike Bernskoetter

6th Senatorial District


For Immediate Release: 

June 7, 2024


Capitol Building, Room 416

Jefferson City, MO 65101


Contact Kenny Ross: 



Memorial Day


Memorial Day is a time when we as a people join together to remember and celebrate the sacrifice of those who have paid the ultimate price to protect our freedoms and allow this nation to flourish. This has led me to dwell on those currently serving and those who have served in the past and all they have done to allow us to live as we do in America.


Our nation was founded as a beacon of freedom and democracy at a time when this grand experiment was unique across the globe. The rest of the world was ruled by monarchs and strongmen - where might made right, and the liberties and freedoms of the common man were not respected. It was in this world our United States was born. Our nation was not able to peacefully come onto the world stage, instead, we embarked on a long and painful war for our independence. The first sacrifice for our great nation was made on those battlefields almost 250 years ago. 


Since that time, generation after generation of Americans have willingly heeded the call to service and volunteered to protect our nation - and, at times, the world - from the forces of darkness. I enjoy the American traditions of Memorial Day: the time spent with family, barbecues and the tributes we give to our current, retired and fallen soldiers. It is important that we never forget the sacrifices of so many which have made all that we have possible. 


I can never truly understand the pain of so many families who have endured the sacrifice of a son or daughter, a brother or sister, a husband or wife, to the cause of freedom and protection of our country. Our nation should always be grateful and humbled by their devotion. We must also be forever thankful to those currently serving and those who have served in the past that are still with us. They knowingly joined the military with the full knowledge of the dangers they would face. They understand the powers that want to see the United States and this grand experiment in democracy - of a government by the people and for the people - fail.


The failure of the American system would justify the actions of dictators and the forces of evil across the world. It would mean that a people cannot govern themselves, and instead must be ruled by force. Fortunately, as long as this nation has brave men and woman willing to serve and protect us, those forces can be kept at bay. 


The feeling of gratitude we all feel toward our veterans and those currently serving should not be confined to just one day. We must carry this feeling with us throughout our lives. This is a great place to live. We are lucky beyond belief to be Americans, but we cannot forget all that has been sacrificed so we can live in this magnificent country.


Please feel free to contact my office at 573-751-2076. For information about my committee assignments or sponsored legislation, please visit my official Missouri Senate website at