Senator Denny Hoskins' Capitol Report for Week of June 24, 2024

Wednesday, June 26, 2024

Week of June 24, 2024


Let Freedom Ring


Like many holidays, Independence Day typically becomes a busy day full of barbecues, pool parties and quality time with friends and family. These are not bad things, but often the day is so busy we never stop to remember why we are celebrating, the circumstances that led to this date’s importance or the brave men and women who have given their lives to protect what July 4th represents. 

It represents a moment in time when a group of leaders stood together and signed a document saying America would no longer bow down to tyranny - declaring freedom is more important than safety and stability. Their finances, families, relationships and lives were all on the line as they stood up to the totalitarian leader dictating America’s future from across an ocean. 

The United States has stood behind this message again and again. On our own soil and on battlefields across the globe, troops have fought for life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness for all people. Despite all the things today’s polarized America disagrees on, and regardless of all the various paths leaders want to take to make our country better, the defense of freedom remains the common denominator and the heartbeat that keeps us moving forward. 

So I encourage one and all, regardless of how you celebrate our freedom and independence next week, to take the time to honor the choices made, risks taken and lives given over the past 248 years that allow freedom to continue to ring in these United States of America.

As always, I appreciate hearing your comments, opinions and concerns. Please feel free to contact me in Jefferson City at 573-751-4302. You may also email me at