Senator Barbara Anne Washington's Legislative Column for the Week of July 8, 2024

Friday, July 12, 2024


Senator Barbara Anne Washington’s Legislative Column for July 12, 2024

Hey Kansas City! I want to personally thank everyone who attended my legislative forum this past week and shared their insights on current issues. I am always inspired by your interest in the legislative process and passion for making a difference in our community. I have two more town halls scheduled for July 22 and 27 and strongly encourage you to attend and weigh in! My outlook for the future is optimistic, and I hope events like this motivate you to stay involved and advocate for change.

Legislation Signed into Law

On July 9, the governor took his pen to several bills which will go into effect Aug. 28. Senate Bill 754 is a comprehensive public safety and criminal justice reform measure that includes my legislation to raise the age to certify juveniles for trial as adults from 12 to 14. The package also bans arrest warrants for traffic violations, establishes a statewide conviction review unit, repeals the discriminatory cocaine-based drug trafficking charge and simplifies the expungement process. While I ultimately voted no on this bill for problematic language, I believe many of its reforms will benefit the individuals and families entangled with the criminal justice system and help give them a second chance at life. Click here to read the governor’s other legislative actions.

The Fair is Tomorrow!

Don’t forget, my annual Public Health and Safety Fair is tomorrow, July 13, at the Kansas City Urban Youth Academy, 10 a.m. – 2 p.m. In addition to screenings and immunizations, attendees will have access to important preventive health services, safety resources and great giveaways. Qualifying children may also get a free car or booster seat, and a few lucky ones will take home a brand new bike. Don’t miss out on this fun-filled, educational opportunity!

Join Me Next Saturday to Break Bread and Raise Mental Health Awareness

Please join me for the “11th Annual Minority Mental Health Awareness Event: Brunch with Bebe’s Sisters” next Saturday, July 20. During the brunch, the regional director from the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Joe Palm, will provide the latest information on minority mental health, followed by a panel discussion to empower men and reduce the stigma of mental health in our community.

Make Your Voice Heard at these Upcoming Town Halls

The next stops on my districtwide town halls are right around the corner. Please share these flyers and join me for an important discussion on legislation and ways to improve our community. 

Check out and share these other upcoming community events.


Register Now for the Infinite College and Scholarship Fair

College-bound high school seniors won’t want to miss this exciting opportunity to learn about area colleges and earn scholarships for school. The event is free, but registration is required.


Senator Washington’s Sponsored Legislation for 2024

Bill Number



Senate Bill 793

Authorizes a sales tax exemption for feminine hygiene products.

Referred to Economic Development 

Senate Bill 794

Authorizes a tax credit for providing services to homeless persons.

Hearing conducted 4/4

Senate Bill 795

Authorizes a tax credit for providing housing to victims of domestic violence.

Passed out of committee 2/28

Senate Bill 886

Permits restitution payments for the innocent who were wrongfully convicted.

Referred to Judiciary

Senate Bill 887

Raises the age from 12 to 14 to certify juveniles for trial as adults.

Signed into law July 9

Senate Bill 888

Modifies the Pregnancy-Associated Mortality Review Board

Combined with SB 1357 and passed out of committee

Senate Bill 968

Permits family court participants to possess and use legal marijuana.

Referred to Health and Welfare

Senate Bill 969

Missouri Creating a Respectful and Open World for Natural Hair (CROWN) Act to prohibit hair-based discrimination in state-funded educational institutions.

Placed on formal calendar for perfection.

Senate Bill 970

Authorizes a tax credit for first-time homebuyers’ purchase of eligible, blighted property.

Referred to Economic Development

Senate Bill 1042

Creates a “Text-to-Donate” pilot program in St. Louis and Kansas City to help reduce homelessness.

Referred to Governmental Accountability

Senate Bill 1043

Creates a two-year pilot program for incarcerated women to have access to their children.

Referred to Judiciary

Senate Bill 1044

Creates the offense of unlawful possession of a firearm for minors to carry a handgun.

Referred to Transportation, Infrastructure and Public Safety

Senate Bill 1099

Establishes the “Cronkite New Voices Act” to protect freedom of press for student journalists.

Placed on informal calendar for perfection

Senate Bill 1100

Restricts the manufacturing and possession of assault weapons and large capacity magazines.

Referred to Transportation, Infrastructure and Public Safety

Senate Bill 1101

Prohibits carrying concealed firearms in public libraries.

Referred to Transportation, Infrastructure and Public Safety

Senate Bill 1150

Creates and modifies reporting requirements for law enforcement agencies.

Referred to Transportation, Infrastructure and Public Safety

Senate Bill 1151

Modifies provisions relating to use of force by law enforcement officers.

Referred to Judiciary

Senate Bill 1152

Modifies provisions relating to criminal records.

Referred to Judiciary

Senate Bill 1194

Creates provisions relating to expungement of criminal records.

Referred to Judiciary

Senate Bill 1195

Modifies provisions relating to earned discharge from probation.

Referred to Judiciary

Senate Bill 1196

Creates new provisions relating to state contracts for minority and women’s business enterprises.

Referred to Governmental Accountability

Senate Bill 1216

Creates a DWI diversion program.

Referred to Judiciary

Senate Bill 1217

Modifies provisions relating to the Department of Higher Education and Workforce Development.

Referred to Empowering Missouri Parents and Students

Senate Bill 1218

Creates provisions relating to parole eligibility for senior citizens who have served 30 years.

Referred to Judiciary

Senate Bill 1227

Modifies provisions relating to terms of probation.

Referred to Judiciary

Senate Bill 1228

Authorizes a tax credit for the purchase of electric vehicles.

Referred to Economic Development

Senate Bill 1229

Raises the age for juveniles to be certified for trial as adults.

Referred to Judiciary

Senate Bill 1235

Modifies provisions relating to offenses against employees of election authorities.

Referred to Local Government and Elections

Senate Bill 1236

Modifies provisions relating to legal representation for certain court proceedings involving children.

Referred to Health and Welfare

Senate Bill 1237

Modifies provisions relating to the offense of filing false documents.

Referred to Judiciary

Senate Bill 1238

Enacts provisions relating to health insurance coverage of maternity services.

Referred to Insurance and Banking

Senate Bill 1239

Establishes standards for demographic collection by certain entities.

Referred to Health and Welfare

Senate Bill 1240

Creates a health advocate program in the Department of Health and Senior Services.

Referred to Health and Welfare

Senate Bill 1241

Enacts provisions relating to motor vehicle sales tax payment plans.

Referred to Transportation, Infrastructure and Public Safety

Senate Bill 1242

Modifies provisions relating to tax increment financing.

Hearing conducted 2/26

Senate Bill 1243

Modifies provisions relating to voter registration.

Referred to Local Government and Elections

Senate Bill 1380

Modifies provisions relating to tax credits for improving access to foods, including urban farms and grocery stores.

Referred to Economic Development

Senate Bill 1381

Designates “Fallen Firefighters Memorial Bridge” in Kansas City.

Passed out of committee on 4/25

Senate Bill 1382

Modifies provisions relating to community paramedics

Passed out of committee on 4/11

Senate Bill 1417

Designates every Feb. 20 as John Donaldson Day in Missouri

Added to SB 964 and passed Senate on 4/11

Senate Bill 1425

Includes Class EA-esthetics and manicuring as a new classification of licensure for cosmetologists.

Referred to Governmental Accountability

Senate Bill 1490

Establishes May 8 as “Amyloidosis Awareness Day”

Added to SB 964 and passed by Senate on 4/11

Senate Bill 1507

Creates new provisions relating to digital assets.

Referred to Banking and Insurance

Senate Bill 1511

Modifies provisions relating to the collection of delinquent property taxes.

Referred to Emerging Issues

Senate Concurrent Resolution 33

Designates Feb. 20 as John Donaldson Day

Referred to Rules, Joint Rules and Resolutions, added to SB 964

Senate Joint Resolution 65

Places limits on increases of the assessment of certain properties.

Referred to General Laws

Senate Joint Resolution 66

Authorizes a tax exemption for certain senior citizens.

Referred to General Laws

Senate Joint Resolution 88

Modifies the statutes of limitations for civil actions based on certain sexual offenses.

Hearing conducted 4/15


It is an honor representing the great people of Jackson County’s 9th Senatorial District. If you need assistance navigating state government or understanding the legislative process, please contact me by calling 573-751-3158 or emailing My team is here for you!