The Christmas Season: Sen. Mike Bernskoetter's Legislative Column for Dec. 24th, 2024

Tuesday, December 24, 2024

Senator Mike Bernskoetter

6th Senatorial District


For Immediate Release: 

Dec. 24, 2024


Capitol Building, Room 416

Jefferson City, MO 65101


Contact Kenny Ross: 



Merry Christmas

Christmas holds a unique and cherished place in the hearts of Missourians, symbolizing unity, generosity and shared values. It is a time when families gather to celebrate cherished traditions such as attending church services, decorating homes and sharing meals with loved ones. For many, it’s an opportunity to reflect on faith and the message of hope and love that Christmas embodies. These values resonate deeply with the people of Missouri, strengthening the bonds that tie us together as a community.

The holiday season also brings out a spirit of giving that is essential to the well-being of our state. Across Missouri, charitable organizations, churches and individuals come together to provide for those in need. Food drives, toy collections and community outreach programs ensure that every family has the opportunity to experience the joy of Christmas. This collective effort highlights the compassion and generosity of our state. It makes me proud to see all the charity coming from across central Missouri during this time of year, and I hope it encourages you to maintain this giving spirit throughout the year.

Additionally, Christmas has a significant impact on the local economy. From small businesses to family-owned tree farms, the holiday season provides an important boost to their bottom lines. As residents shop locally for gifts and holiday supplies, they support their neighbors and help sustain the vibrant small business community. Christmas is more than a holiday; it is a time to foster faith, fortify communities and fuel economic prosperity. 

Most importantly, Christmas is a time to celebrate the birth of Christ and be with the family and friends you love the most. From my family to yours I want to wish you a Merry Christmas.


Please feel free to contact my office at 573-751-2076. For information about my committee assignments or sponsored legislation, please visit my official Missouri Senate website at