Senator Sandy Crawford's Capitol Report for the Week of Jan. 27, 2025

Thursday, January 30, 2025

    Jan. 30, 2025

We had another productive week in Jefferson City. I am pleased to have presented Senate Bill 3 to the Missouri Senate Emerging Issues and Professional Registration Committee. This bill is a proposal to make several changes to the Missouri Department of Revenue regarding contract license offices throughout the state. In order to keep our smaller, more rural offices open, the state needs to consider how much the cost of running a business has increased.


The highlight of this week was the governor’s State of the State address. This is when he presents his priorities and budget for our state. I look forward to working with my colleagues to enact his vision.

 I am honored to serve as your senator in the Missouri Senate. If, at any time, you have questions, concerns or ideas regarding state government, please feel free to contact me at 573-751-8793 or


Recent Visitors to the Capitol

Charlyn, Ascher and Cliff Callis, all of Pettis County, with
 Sen. Crawford. Cliff was appointed to the
 Missouri Propane Safety Commission.


Sedalia, Clinton and Lebanon Main Street
 Emily Burke, Renee Tippin, Sen. Crawford, Rep. Brad Pollitt,
 Joleigh Cornine, Nick Smith and Sarah Angst


Missouri Corn Growers Association Student Members
 Jon Setzer, Appleton City; Sen. Crawford; and Sam Setzer, Appleton City


Clinton Christian Academy met with Sen. Crawford.


Brian Hammons from Cedar County and Sen. Crawford
 Brian was appointed to the
 Coordinating Board for Higher Education.


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