Earlier this week, the governor addressed the General Assembly and outlined his priorities for the year in the State of the State. One of those priorities is addressing public safety through a proposal titled “Operation Relentless Pursuit,” which would be a grant to support one deputy sheriff in each of the nine Highway Patrol troops across the state. This deputy would coordinate with local law enforcement to take the over 17,000 dangerous individuals with active felony arrest warrants off our streets. Additionally, the governor issued an executive order that would allow state and local law enforcement to assist in enforcing immigration laws. To help retain officers, the governor also issued an executive order that would modify the Missouri State Highway Patrol’s salary schedule by reducing the time of service required to reach the top salary tier from 15 years of service to 12 years of service.
On Thursday, the Missouri Senate Appropriations Committee heard testimony from the governor’s office regarding his proposed budget for the 2026 fiscal year, which included a $60 million re-appropriation to the rural roads funds, a fund that has greatly benefited northwest Missouri. Additionally, the governor proposed an additional $200 million increase to the foundation formula, fully funding the school transportation formula, which totals $376.6 million, and doubling the hold-harmless funding. During the hearing, the governor’s office also provided information regarding a $17.3 million appropriation to Missouri veterans’ homes and made a commitment to not shut any down during his tenure. In the Senate Gubernatorial Appointments Committee, Sean Cornelius — from Hamilton, Missouri — was approved by the committee to the State Milk Board, which encourages orderly and sanitary production, transportation, processing and grading of fluid milk and processed milk products for consumption, intrastate as well as interstate.
As always, please feel free to call, email or write with your ideas or concerns. My Capitol office number is 573-751-1415, my email is rusty.black@senate.mo.gov and my mailing address is 201 W. Capitol Ave., Room 420, State Capitol Building, Jefferson City, MO 65101. ### |