Senator Barbara Anne Washington’s Legislative Column for Feb. 14, 2025

Friday, February 14, 2025

Senator Barbara Anne Washington’s Legislative Column for Feb. 14, 2025

Still I Rise

In honor of Black History Month and recent discussions in the chamber, one of my colleagues recited two of Maya Angelou’s poems on the floor this week. Listening to these powerful words echo within the chamber walls was comforting to me as a Black woman and a perfectly timed reminder of the resiliency of our community, the obstacles we have overcome and the work still left to do: 

You may shoot me with your words,

You may cut me with your eyes,

You may kill me with your hatefulness,

But still, like air, I’ll rise.


Like Maya, I understand the power of words and will always rise for the greater good, defend our community and strive to make Missouri the best state to call home. Thanks, District 9, for being my air! Whether it is defending social service programs or voters’ rights, standing up for minorities and underserved communities, or helping survivors of domestic violence escape their abusers, I rise, I rise, I rise!

CROWN ACT Passes out of Committee

February 11 was an exciting day for me and our community. I had the opportunity to briefly chair the Senate Progress and Development Committee, vote to “do pass” the C.R.O.W.N. Act and present Senate Bill 205 to my fellow panelists on the committee. 

It’s difficult to fathom that people are still being discriminated against solely because of their natural hair in 2025, but I remain resolved to putting a stop to this, especially for children in public schools. The Missouri Creating a Respectful and Open World for Natural Hair Act is not a cure all, but it is a step in the right direction to halt this practice, empower Black children and instill a greater sense of pride in the way they were born. Now that Senate Bill 38 has passed out of committee, it may be debated on the Senate floor.

During my presentation on SB 205, I explained how important it is to increase tax credits for contributions made to domestic violence shelters, crisis centers and housing units to help vulnerable families. Unfortunately, an acute shortage of safe and affordable housing remains a barrier for those escaping domestic violence. My bill is a practical approach which will enhance existing tax credits, incentivize property owners to renovate and convert abandoned buildings into safe shelters and housing units, and help families break free from the entrapment of abusive relationships.

Lively Floor Debates Ensue

During the first half of February, the Senate perfected, third read and sent multiple bills to the Missouri House of Representatives for consideration. Some of these bills met little resistance, but several debates stalled before an agreement could be reached on the legislation.

One of the proposals that stalled is Senate Bill 22, which relates to written summary statements on ballot measures. In my opinion, this vital responsibility should remain in the hands of Missouri’s courts, whose members are licensed attorneys and experts on interpreting the Missouri Constitution. Placing this arduous task under the secretary of state instead of the judicial branch could interfere with checks and balances, convolute the initiative petition process and confuse voters with ambiguous, poorly written language.

News for the 9th

UMKC Achieves Elite R1 Research Designation

Congratulations to the faculty, staff and students at the University of Missouri-Kansas City for achieving the prestigious Carnegie Research 1 Institution designation. I earned my Juris Doctor degree from this fine institution, and I am thrilled to see them elevated to this next level of greatness.

MU Life Sciences Quest Accepting Applications

Attention High School-Aged Students! The University of Missouri-Columbia is now accepting applications for its Life Sciences Quest program, a free, week-long summer academy for students interested in agriculture and its impact in our daily lives. Visit MU Life Sciences Quest for more information or to apply. 

1890 National Scholars Program Accepting Applications through March 1

The U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) is now accepting applications for the USDA 1890 Scholars Program, which aims to encourage students at 1890 land-grant universities to pursue career paths in food, agriculture, natural resource sciences or related academic disciplines. The application deadline is March 1, 2025. The program is available to eligible high school seniors entering their freshman year of college as well as rising college sophomores and juniors.

Women Legislators of Missouri Scholarship Program Now Accepting Applications

Please share this flyer with the college-bound young women in your life.




Senator Washington’s Sponsored Legislation for 2025

Bill Number



Senate Bill 37

Authorizes a sales tax exemption for feminine hygiene products.

Referred to Economic and Workforce Development

Senate Bill 38

The Missouri CROWN Act prohibits hair-based discrimination in publicly-funded educational institutions.

Passed by Progress and Development 2.11. 

Senate Bill 39

Expands and diversifies the Pregnancy-Associated Mortality Review Board.

Referred to Government Efficiency

Senate Bill 127

Creates the offense of unlawful possession of a handgun for a minor.

Referred to Transportation, Infrastructure and Public Safety

Senate Bill 128

Modifies provisions relating to the Department of Higher Education and Workforce Development

Referred to Economic and Workforce Development

Senate Bill 129

Authorizes a tax credit for qualified providers of employment, employment services or housing for homeless persons. 

Referred to Economic and Workforce Development

Senate Bill 205

Authorizes a tax credit for providing housing assistance to victims of domestic violence.

Hearing scheduled 2/11 Progress and Development Committee

Senate Bill 206

Modifies provisions relating to emergency medical services

Referred to Emerging Issues

Senate Bill 207

Creates the offense of community endangerment due to unsafe storage of a firearm.

Referred to Transportation, Infrastructure and Public Safety

Senate Bill 258

Establishes the Cronkite New Voices Act to protect the freedom of press in school-sponsored media.

Referred to Education.

Senate Bill 259

Modifies provisions relating to offenses against employees of election authorities.

Referred to Local Government, Elections and Pension.

Senate Bill 260

Enacts provisions relating to health insurance coverage of maternity services to include midwifery.

Referred to Insurance and Banking.

Senate Bill 303

Designates every Feb. 20 as John Donaldson Day to honor Missouri native and Negro Leagues Baseball star pitcher.

First read

Senate Bill 304

Establishes May 8 each year as Amyloidosis Awareness Day in Missouri.

First read

Senate Bill 305

Modifies provisions relating to the offense of filing false documents.

First read

Senate Bill 342

Requires public and charter schools to provide free feminine hygiene products to female students in grades 4-12. 

First read

Senate Bill 343

Creates provisions relating to lactating public and charter school students.

First read

Senate Bill 344

Requires schools that receive state funds to give excused absences for attending scheduled elections with their parents.

First read

Senate Bill 375

Requires school districts and charter schools to offer students who are 17 and ½ years the opportunity to register to vote.

First read

Senate Bill 376

Creates a health advocate program at the Department of Health and Senior Services for eligible pregnant patients.

First read

Senate Bill 377

Modifies provisions relating to restitution for individuals who are actually innocent and exonerated based on evidence other than DNA.

First read

Senate Bill 403

Modifies provisions relating to use of marijuana by family court participants.

First read

Senate Bill 404

Authorizes a tax credit for first time home buyers to purchase eligible blighted property.

First read

Senate Bill 405

Provides that no person, corporation, or other entity in Missouri shall manufacture, import, possess, purchase, sell or transfer any assault weapon or large capacity magazine.

First read

Senate Bill 422

Designates Officer James Muhlbauer K-9 Officer Champ Memorial Bridge in Jackson County.

First read

Senate Bill 423

Modifies provisions relating to closed criminal records.

First read

Senate Bill 424

Creates that eligible offenses be automatically expunged without petition.

First read

Senate Bill 432

Modifies provisions relating to earned discharge from probation.

First read

Senate Bill 433

Designates every Nov. 9 as Links, Incorporated Day in Missouri

First read

Senate Bill 434

Creates a DWI diversion program.

First read

Senate Bill 438

Creates provisions relating to parole eligibility after serving 30 years or more of a sentence.

First read

Senate Bill 439

Reduces the term of probation for a misdemeanor violation from 2 years to 18 months and removes the drug and alcohol screening for certain offenses.

First read

Senate Bill 440

Modifies provisions relating to legal representation for certain court proceedings involving children. 

First read

Senate Bill 444

Prohibits removing registered voters from the Missouri Voter Registration System unless the voter has not voted in the previous five calendar years or met other criteria.

First read

Senate Bill 445

Includes CLASS EA – esthetics and manicuring as a new classification for licensure for cosmetologists.

First read

Senate Bill 446

Creates new provisions relating to state contracts for minority and women’s business enterprises.

First read

Senate Bill 450

Prohibits carrying concealed firearms in public libraries.

First read

Senate Joint Resolution 12

Places limits on increases in the assessment of certain properties, pending voter approval.

First read

Senate Joint Resolution 13

Eliminates the statute of limitations for civil actions based on certain sexual offenses.

First read


It is an honor representing the great people of Jackson County’s 9th Senatorial District. If you need assistance navigating state government or understanding the legislative process, please contact me by calling 573-751-3158 or emailing My team is here for you!