Focusing on the Heart of Athletics: Senator Kurtis Gregory's Capitol Report for Feb. 21, 2025

Friday, February 21, 2025

Senator Kurtis Gregory

21st Senatorial District


For Immediate Release: 

Feb. 21, 2025


Capitol Building, Room 433

Jefferson City, MO 65101


Contact T.C. Farrar: 



Focusing on the Heart of Athletics

Hello! It’s great to speak with you again and focus on a bill I care about deeply involving our schools.


I appreciate the Education Committee choosing to hear my Senate Bill 166 this week. This bill would require every public school to create a cardiac emergency response plan. These plans would follow criteria set forth by an official and evidence-based institute like the American Heart Association. In addition, these plans would dictate placement of AED systems and the method and speed of contacting emergency personnel in the event someone on a school campus has an emergency heart issue.


While this is especially close to my heart due to the lives lost in student athletics, it will just as greatly benefit chess teams, teachers, students, parents and anyone else who finds themselves on a school campus. One of my constituents told me about a time they collapsed during the height of a Higginsville baseball game. They said it came without warning, like a sudden sneeze, and that they only managed to survive thanks to the help of defibrillators on hand at the event. This bill is truly for the betterment of everyone. I was especially proud that a representative from the NFL came to support it.


I also had the chance to present my Senate Bill 81 on the Senate Floor. This bill helps update regulation regarding fireworks and their sale. I am happy to say it was perfected and passed so will soon head to the House.


In addition, the Senate perfected and passed Senate Bill 167. This bill would give leniency to those who participate in hazing but who help a hazing victim in critical condition. The goal of this bill is to remove any hesitancy to help others for fear of punishment. I believe it will help prevent tragedies and encourage those involved in hazing to do the right thing.


If you have any questions, please reach out to my office.


Please feel free to contact my office at 573-751-4302. For information about my committee assignments or sponsored legislation, please visit my official Missouri Senate website at

It was a pleasure to stand with Leadership Tomorrow of Saline County alongside Rep. Mark Nolte and House Speaker Jon Patterson.