Senator Lybyer
Bills Sponsored

HB 0001 - Public Debt
HB 0002 - Elementary and Secondary Education
HB 0003 - Higher Education
HB 0004 - Revenue; Highways and Transportation
HB 0005 - Office of Administration
HB 0006 - Agriculture; Conservation; Natural Resources
HB 0007 - Economic Development; Insurance; Labor and Industrial Relations
HB 0008 - Public Safety
HB 0009 - Corrections
HB 0010 - Department of Mental Health; Department of Health
HB 0011 - Department of Social Services
HB 0012 - Appropriates Money for State elected Officials; Judiciary; General Assembly
HB 0013 - Leasing
HB 0014 - Supplemental Appropriations
HB 0015 - Reappropriations
HB 0016 - Reappropriations
HB 0017 - Capital Improvements-Maintenance
HB 0018 - Capital Improvements
HB 0019 - Capital Improvement-Construction
HB 0031 - Certain Peripheral Zoning Limited to Cameron
HB 0105 - Certain Sch. Districts Exempted From Minimum Levy to Raise Their Levies to Minimum Levy Less Any Reassessm. Adjustments
HB 0342 - Federal Reimbursement Allowance
HB 0487 - Clarifies Right of Crime Victim to be Present at Criminal Proceedings
HB 0642 - Allows Podiatrist to Order Health Services for Patients Being Served by Home Health Agencies
HB 0652 - State Employee Compensation Deductions
HB 0773 - Requires Collegiate License Plates for Solar Vehicles
HCR 027 - University of Missouri to Provide Detailed Budget Requests for Submission to the General Assembly
SB 0021 - Authorizes Sales Tax For Economic Development
SB 0022 - Linn State Technical College May Participate in Certain Jobs Training Programs
SB 0122 - Certain Peripheral Zoning Limited to Cameron
SB 0196 - Conduct of Judges
SB 0240 - Claims May Be Proportionally Reduced When Governor Withholds Appropriated Moneys
SB 0299 - Increases Per Diem For Judges and Legislators
SB 0300 - Court May Transfer Case To More Convenient Forum
SB 0301 - Rewrites the Chapter On Collection of Motor Fuel Taxes
SB 0402 - Allows Podiatrist to Order Health Services For Patients Being Served by Home Health Agencies
SCR 003 - Relating to compensation of state officials

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