HB 0968 - State teacher training colleges shall offer courses in first aid and CPR
HB 1033 - Modifies survivor option percentages and deferred allowance provisions under LAGERS
HB 1136 - Requires General Assembly notification of nursing home violations
HB 1293 - Prohibits appointment of office holders and county employees to county board of equalization
HB 1600 - Technical changes to commercial feed law
HB 1620 - Division of Tourism Supplemental Revenue Fund
HB 1704 - Procedure for University of Missouri to transfer natural resources
HB 1763 - Modifies certain provisions of Public School Retirement System and Non Teacher Retirement System
HB 1876 - Removes Commodity Merchandising Program from state funds
HCR 003 - State Tax Commission proposed agricultural and horticultural land values for the 1999 and 2000 assessment
SB 0500 - Various modifications to the Public School Retirement System
SB 0501 - Modifications to the Public School Retirement System
SB 0502 - Portion of debt service and capital projects levies may generate state school aid & apply toward minimum levy
SB 0550 - County treasurer is default road district treasurer
SB 0551 - Modifies election dates for water district bonds
SB 0552 - Prohibits possession of firearms by person convicted of class A or B felony under chapter 195
SB 0571 - Allows public records to be kept on cd-rom
SB 0572 - Management of developments in flood plains
SB 0594 - Removes substantial harm requirement for animal neglect and creates felony offenses of animal neglect and abuse
SB 0595 - Removes substantial harm requirement for animal neglect
SB 0596 - Creates felony offenses for animal neglect or abuse
SB 0597 - Allows fee collection from drainage/levy districts in counties of the first class
SB 0611 - Authorizes the practice of medicine across state lines under certain conditions
SB 0675 - Lowers age for circuit breaker to 62; raises minimum base to $8,900 and maximum upper limit to $18,000
SB 0676 - Allows county commissions to replace absentee board members
SB 0714 - Exempts from sales and use tax replacement machinery and parts
SB 0715 - Exempts adjuvants from sales/use tax, pesticide carriers used to enhance effect of pesticides
SB 0733 - Modifies certain provisions of Public School Retirement System and Non-Teachers Retirement System
SB 0835 - Retailer of liquefied petroleum gas shall have storage tank located in Missouri and of specified size
SB 0861 - Modifies law governing transportation development districts
SB 0897 - Sale of natural resources by the University of Missouri